Hard drive folders (system volume information and recycle bin)

On my external hard drives Linux keeps putting 2 folders in the uppermost directory called “System Volume Information” and “$RECYCLE.BIN” Is there a way to hide these? One can easily delete them, but every time the computer is restarted or they’re mounted again etc then the folders come back. It’s really no big issue but it is a little irksome.

Many thanks

What file system?

Can be with either NTFS or FAT32, although I’ve just formatted the old FAT32 one to NTFS. None are using a linux based FS as they’re also used on windows machines.


Linux doesn’t do that… windows does… If you delete stuff under Linux, there may be a hidden directory called .Trash on the device.


It’s quite rare for me to load windows up, I’ve deleted the folders, when I restart the computer I’ll see if they come back!

They always will. Windows puts them there. If you stopped using Windows (and then deleted the folders), you would notice that they would never reappear. It’s a Windows thing.

Please remember for next time when you ask things about file systems to mention what file systems they are. Others will not assume that it is about exotic things like non-Linux file systems.
What OS is used on the CD’s??

It appears it may well be Windows, as suggested above. I’ve since shut down the PC and booted into Linux and those folders do not appear to have come back.

Most of my external drives are NTFS, used with either LEAP 42.2 (42.1 until very recently) or Windows 10.

Many thanks.

I can tell, just from the existence of those two directories, that the external HDs are formatted as NTFS and you are sharing with Windows. Linux does not put those directories on, only Windows does, it is part of the way Windows OS uses the partition structure.