halt.local stops my pc from rebooting or shutdown

I run opensuse 10.3 I586
I have problems rebooting or shutting down my computer.

Not that i do it very often though…

It just stops when it’s supposed to run halt.local
I have added nothing to that file or done anything with it.

To avoid the problem i edit this section in my:

first do local stuff

#rc_reset #edited
#if test -e /etc/init.d/halt.local ; then #edited

echo Running /etc/init.d/halt.local #edited

/bin/sh /etc/init.d/halt.local #edited

rc_status -v1 -r #edited

#fi #edited

but it comes back later when i install updates.
and its on two of my computers as well

anyone got any idea why ?

I have the same problem with my newly installed opensuse 11.0.

My initial reply would be that you have an ACPI issue that prevents the system from shutting down or rebooting properly, but if you’re able to accomplish it by disabling halt.local in the script, that’s bizarre. Halt.local should be an empty wrapper file for any custom commands that need to be executed at shutdown, halt (no .local) is the script that does the shutdown. Can you post the contents of /etc/init.d/halt.local ?


i have found out that it happens if i have mounted cifs shares via fstab.
if i unmount them before i shutdown or rebbot it works