gvim window auto shrinks

I have a minor problem with gvim. My gvim never maximizes. Whenever I try to maxmize it automatically shrinks from right side and bottom. Don’t know if anyone else faces this problem, but I have faced this even after re-installing the system It is not a show stopper but surely an irritant…

Any suggestions how to fix this?

I am using openSUSE 11.2, KDE 4.3.5.

Hello vendetta18,

I have a minor problem with gvim. My gvim never maximizes. Whenever I try to maxmize it automatically shrinks from right side and bottom. Don’t know if anyone else faces this problem, but I have faced this even after re-installing the system It is not a show stopper but surely an irritant…

Any suggestions how to fix this?

I encounter the same problem.
But I found a semi-fix for it.

Open gvim and right click on the titelbar.
Advanced -> Window Specific Settings.
Select the tab Geometry.
Check the size box and change it form “Do Not Affect” to “Force”.
You’ll see at the right a textbox where you can enter the size of your monitor.

I know it isn’t a real fix, but you’ll get pseudo-maximize gvim.

Good luck!:wink:

LOL… nice fix (work around), worked for me also… :slight_smile: thanks.