grub2 won't install properly

Hi, I newly installed Leap 4.1 in a computer with Z170 ProGaming ASUS board and three disks: first SSD 64 GB and the second and third conventional seagate with some 1 TB space. The second has /home partition, the third /backup and the first SSD is for the system. I only use SuSE Linux. Actually I installed from sdd memory stick. The exact output of fdisk -l which I do not quite understand is below. First partitions are always /boot, second swap, third root and the fourth is for user data. Seagete disks has also some elder Linux each, but I hope it doesn’t matter. The automatic SuSE installation is always choosing the second disk for the system, so I manually changed it to the first - the SSD one to be faster.

Now at the end of the installation the system is rebooting and is hanging after setup with the cursor in the middle of a black screen. No crtl-alt-del is working here. One has to press the restart hardware button. Yet the system is properly starting from setup boot menu with the proper grub menu shown. Obviously some initial grub code hasn’t install properly, but the following steps are working well. I’v tried to reinstall grub from yast, but some error “cannot install …” appeared. I’v tried all combinations with UEFI and without and eventually grub installed from yast without error, but it still doesn’t work.

Could somebody explain me what’s going on here and how to make the system bootable in a ussual way ? Thank you in advance for your patience.

And here is the
orion:/home/zbyszek # fdisk -l

Dysk /dev/sda: 59,6 GiB, bajtów: 64023257088, sektorów: 125045424
Jednostki: sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 4096
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 4096 / 4096
Typ etykiety dysku: gpt
Identyfikator dysku: 9C9F3F35-7FDB-4836-97A9-3E9BAD332340

Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sda1 2048 2099199 2097152 1G EFI System
/dev/sda2 2099200 10489855 8390656 4G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda3 10489856 125044735 114554880 54,6G Linux filesystem

Dysk /dev/sdb: 931,5 GiB, bajtów: 1000204886016, sektorów: 1953525168
Jednostki: sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Typ etykiety dysku: dos
Identyfikator dysku: 0x000413f8

Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1 16065 273104 257040 125,5M 83 Linux
/dev/sdb2 273105 19133414 18860310 9G 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdb3 19133415 61063064 41929650 20G 83 Linux
/dev/sdb4 61063065 1953520064 1892457000 902,4G 83 Linux

Dysk /dev/sdc: 1,4 TiB, bajtów: 1500301910016, sektorów: 2930277168
Jednostki: sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Typ etykiety dysku: gpt
Identyfikator dysku: B550E8BA-BF75-414F-BD08-A18C8E01CE70

Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sdc1 2048 321535 319488 156M EFI System
/dev/sdc2 321536 4530175 4208640 2G Linux filesystem
/dev/sdc3 4530176 88422399 83892224 40G Linux filesystem
/dev/sdc4 88422400 2923122687 2834700288 1,3T Microsoft basic data

Dysk /dev/sdd: 59,5 GiB, bajtów: 63921192960, sektorów: 124846080
Jednostki: sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Typ etykiety dysku: dos
Identyfikator dysku: 0x20ca2c8b

Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdd1 3780 11339 7560 3,7M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
/dev/sdd2 * 11340 9078783 9067444 4,3G 17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sdd3 9078784 124846079 115767296 55,2G f W95 Ext’d (LBA)
/dev/sdd5 9080832 55386111 46305280 22,1G 83 Linux
/dev/sdd6 55388160 124846079 69457920 33,1G 83 Linux

Dysk /dev/mapper/cr_ata-ST31500341AS_9VS4PQ03-part4: 1,3 TiB, bajtów: 1451364450304, sektorów: 2834696192
Jednostki: sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 512

Dysk /dev/mapper/cr_ata-ST31000528AS_5VP0CCVL-part4: 902,4 GiB, bajtów: 968935886848, sektorów: 1892452904
Jednostki: sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 512

Did you install in EFI mode or legacy BIOS mode? Do you boot now in EFI mode or legacy BIOS mode?

And how can I see it ? Yast has installed following proqram packages: gfxboot, grub2, grub2-branding-openSUSE, grub2-i386-pc, grub2-sapper-plugin, grub2-x86_64-efi.
I tgried in /etc/sysconfig/bootloader both: LOADER_TYPE=“grub2” and LOADER_TYPE=“grub2-efi”.
After each change i installed with yast GRUB2 or GRUB2-EFI.

Unfortunately, I don’t know what is efi, and what do I need it for. Well, my board is of some EFI type, as far as I can see it. It has EFI BIOS.

The new BIOS (actually UEFI now) can boot to legacy (MBR) or the new EFI mode. The installer will boot in either mode depending on the BIOS/UEFI settings. Mixing modes can confuse the whole process. so all OS need to be either EFI or MBR

This is the new standard get used to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you boot the installer and you don’t see F options at the bottom you are in EFI mode not legacy/MBR

Please show picture of this setup boot menu with indication which menu entry works.

Well, the problem is solved now. I tried both UEFI and legacy BIOS in the board setup, but I found also another nice option. In thew setup of this new board there is a possibility to boot “Windows only” ! With this unexpected new comfort one can prevent booting anything else but Windows. I just switched it off, and that was all.
Thank you for your answeres.

LOL at least they let you turn it off rotfl!