Grub not seeing Opensuse

So I installed the g05 and all i got the the log in screen was my cursor, so i went into the terminal (via Ctrl+Alt+F1) logged in that way and uninstalled the driver using the command on the wiki.
It uninstalled the g05 driver so I rebooted, after the reboot Opensuse 15.1 was not on the boot loader, I watched the uninstall and it did some stuff but it did not say it would remove opensuse from my boot loader. The command i used was zypper rm drm-kmp-default and it said it would uninstall the G05 driver and nothing else.

I’m not sure what you did there.

I assume that “g05” is a reference to the nvidia driver. But I am unable to find “drm-kmp-default” anywhere, even when I add the nvidia repo.

Do you have other linux systems installed? Is the grub menu coming from openSUSE or from a different linux system?

The Grub 2 boot loader is opensuse’s, All i have installed is opensuse and windows 10.

Yes it is the nVidia G05 driver. The command i used is in this page SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE Wiki when you scroll down a bit
Uninstall conflicts On Leap 42.3 you need to uninstall the drm-kmp-default package.

zypper rm drm-kmp-default


I’m still not sure what you did.

Are you using the grub from 42.3 to boot 15.1?

When I do that, I add an entry to “/etc/grub.d/40_custom”, so that the grub menu will have an entry using “configfile” to run the “grub.cfg” from the 15.1 system.

I am using 15.1 grub. everything is 15.1

Then it is weird that it would not have an entry to boot 15.1.

Have you checked “/boot” to see if there are still kernels (and corresponding “initrd” files) there?

in the Grub 2 command thing?

What’s actually on disk in the “/boot” partition? You might need to boot rescue media to be able to check.

Is there a way i can look though windows? My opensuse rescue live CD had a whole bunch of errors… that made me sad

I don’t know of any for openSUSE’s default BTRFS filesystem. If you used EXT4 there is reputedly a driver for Windows available.

My opensuse rescue live CD had a whole bunch of errors… that made me sad
What CD is that? You can use the 15.1 installation media for rescue access.

WinBtrfs GitHub - maharmstone/btrfs: WinBtrfs - an open-source btrfs driver for Windows

WinBtrfs is a Windows driver for the next-generation Linux filesystem Btrfs. A reimplementation from scratch, it contains no code from the Linux kernel, and should work on any version from Windows 7 onwards. It is also included as part of the free operating system ReactOS.

Also you can use ReactOS, but this is a painful way.

It is better to use Linux LiveCD (LiveDVD).

If you really want to save your install of OpenSUSE, I did pretty much the same in my post here: