Grub Menu Entry for Win 8

Has any one else had Win 8 menu entry report as Windows Recovery Environment

BTW. It’s not
It boots windows fine

I don’t even have a recovery partition.

Oh and yes, I also know win 8 is awful - But that’s another topic.

On Thu, 30 May 2013 15:26:02 +0000, caf4926 wrote:

> Has any one else had Win 8 menu entry report as Windows Recovery
> Environment
> BTW. It’s not It boots windows fine
> I don’t even have a recovery partition.
> Oh and yes, I also know win 8 is awful - But that’s another topic.

Yes, I’ve noticed this as well, Carl - not sure why it shows that, but
yeah, what you’re seeing is apparently not unusual (at least based on my


Jim Henderson
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Right. Figured as much.
The same machine also runs Mint 14 which doesn’t make this mistake and presents the Menu correctly.

Couldn’t see a bug report so I made one