Graphic / Monitor Settings gone wrong

I have a built-in ATI graphic card and opensuse automatically configures this using the gallium driver with the
correct monitor settings of 1920 x 1080. Everything has been fine until today when I played ppracer and the game re-set my monitor setting to a lower level and everything now looks massive.

What are the steps to go back to 1920 x 1080? Thanks

Did you restart your PC? List openSUSE and Desktop version being used.

Thank You,

Sorry for the lack of info.

Yes I did re-start my p/c (hoping that this would re-set the settings). Am using kde rc1.

The last time I was involved in changing settings of this type was in the days of sax3!

So not sure why you have KDE RC1, but lets hear your openSUSE version and we don’t use sax anymore.

Thank You,

Thanks again. I started kde 3 and the screen was fine - so I realised that it must be a .kde4 setting somewhere. Changing this folder to ‘kde4_old’ created a new folder and solved the problem.