gparted since 0.9.0 removed support for FAT16 and FAt32!

Don’t know if this info has been posted already …

The most significant change in this release is the ability to compile and link with libparted 3.0.

GParted retains full functionality when compiled and linked with libparted versions prior to 3.0, for example libparted-2.4.

NOTE: Because Parted 3.0 removed some file system specific functionality, the following abilities are lost or changed when GParted is compiled and linked with libparted 3.0:

Unable to grow and shrink FAT16 and FAT32 file systems
Unable to shrink HFS and HFS+ file systems
Unable to determine used and unused sectors in HFS and HFS+ file systems
Unable to erase file system signatures on partition create and format
FAT16 and FAT32 file system moves performed internally by GParted instead of by libparted

I find that wording a bit confusing in the release note: GParted - Browse /gparted/gparted-0.9.0 at

On the “one hand” it says unable to grow and shrink FAT16/32, and on the “other hand” it states FAT16/32 files system moves can be performed internally by GParted.

Thus it appears there is still limited support for FAT16/32 and it has not been completely removed.

Many of us still use FAT16/32 in a small DOS partition (instead of having MS-Windows) where such a small DOS partition can be useful for BIOS upgrades (although there are alternative ways one can have a DOS boot inside their GNU/Linux to accomplish the same: User : Oldcpu/Boot DOS without Floppy - openSUSE )

I find it confusing too. If it copies the partition sector by sector to another partition (same as you would do with dd), then removes the original partition, it doesn’t need to be able to read the filesystem. But shrinking/resizing is not possible. Maybe that’s what they meant. I heard many people are not happy with this decision.

I understand that you can link with libparted-2.4 and retain full functionality.