Google's Music Manager BETA

I have a Google account and I used Google Music Manager BETA to upload my FLAC audio files to my Google Play account when I was using Ubuntu 12.04.1 64 bit LTS. I have a System76 Lemur Ultra Thin (lemu4) notebook PC and I installed OpenSuSE 64 bit Tumbleweed based on 12.2 64 bit “Mantis” release. When I downloaded the 64 bit RPM file for Google Music Manager BETA, it does a dependency check and it fails. It says that I need QTWebKit. I checked the Software Management feature in YaST and I see that I have the latest QTWebKit4 installed.

How do I view the log file associated with Google Music Manager BETA so I can see exactly what dependency is missing?

How do I fix this problem so that I can use Google Music Manager BETA?

It’s always the third-party, closed source, software applications and apps that are giving me problems. It’s not OpenSuSE 64 bit Tumbleweed itself. The OS is rock solid.

Run ldd against the binary to see exactly what library it is looking
for, eg;

ldd /path/to/binary/actual-binary

Post the output from the ‘not found’ items.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64) Kernel 3.4.11-2.16-desktop
up 21:49, 3 users, load average: 0.17, 0.16, 0.14
CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU


Google Music Manager BETA never installed properly so I can’t do a ldd to the binary file. I tried to do a ldd to the .RPM file and it said that I don’t have execution permission and it also said that it is not a dynamic executable.

What are my other options?

I just extracted the rpm and ran MusicManager from the extracted
directory, seemed to fire up fine… try that.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64) Kernel 3.4.11-2.16-desktop
up 23:19, 4 users, load average: 0.01, 0.11, 0.12
CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU

Once again, thank you Malcolm for your help. This seems to be a suitable workaround. I logged into Google Music Manager BETA and I am uploading my newest FLAC audio files to my Google account right now. It works. SOLVED!

Can you please explain this a little further? I right click on the google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm and select “extract with auto sub dir” from the dolphin right click menu.
I then end up with several directories in my download folder and I can not run the program.

Did you mean we are to extract the contents to the proper directory’s as listed in the rpm, for example /user/bin, /opt, /etc?

On Sun 21 Apr 2013 12:16:01 AM CDT, anika200 wrote:

malcolmlewis;2497285 Wrote:
> Hi
> I just extracted the rpm and ran MusicManager from the extracted
> directory, seemed to fire up fine… try that.
> –
> Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
> openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64) Kernel 3.4.11-2.16-desktop
> up 23:19, 4 users, load average: 0.01, 0.11, 0.12
> CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU

Can you please explain this a little further? I right click on the
google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm and select “extract with
auto sub dir” from the dolphin right click menu.
I then end up with several directories in my download folder and I can
not run the program.

Did you mean we are to extract the contents to the proper directory’s
as listed in the rpm, for example /user/bin, /opt, /etc?

Correct, I extracted the rpm , then cd to into the extracted directory
and then down into /opt/google/musicmanager and run the app from there,
else just create a softlink to it from your users home directory;

mkdir musicmanager
cd musicmanager
cp ../Downloads/google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm .
rpm2cpio google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm | cpio -vid
cd ../bin
ln -s /home/myusername/musicmanager/opt/google/musicmanager/google-musicmanager

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.1-desktop
up 1 day 9:12, 4 users, load average: 0.18, 0.28, 0.30
CPU Intel® i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | GPU Intel® Arrandale

On Sun 21 Apr 2013 01:16:24 AM CDT, malcolmlewis wrote:

On Sun 21 Apr 2013 12:16:01 AM CDT, anika200 wrote:

malcolmlewis;2497285 Wrote:
> Hi
> I just extracted the rpm and ran MusicManager from the extracted
> directory, seemed to fire up fine… try that.
> –
> Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
> openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64) Kernel 3.4.11-2.16-desktop
> up 23:19, 4 users, load average: 0.01, 0.11, 0.12
> CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU

Can you please explain this a little further? I right click on the
google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm and select “extract with
auto sub dir” from the dolphin right click menu.
I then end up with several directories in my download folder and I can
not run the program.

Did you mean we are to extract the contents to the proper directory’s
as listed in the rpm, for example /user/bin, /opt, /etc?

Correct, I extracted the rpm , then cd to into the extracted directory
and then down into /opt/google/musicmanager and run the app from there,
else just create a softlink to it from your users home directory;

mkdir musicmanager
cd musicmanager
cp ../Downloads/google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm .
rpm2cpio google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpm | cpio -vid
cd ../bin
ln -s /home/myusername/musicmanager/opt/google/musicmanager/google-musicmanager

I also note there is a desktop file, so if you copy that to your
~/.local.share/applications directory, then edit the path for the
executable and also the path/name of the icon (it’s
called product_logo_48.png) this will add a menu entry next time you

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.1-desktop
up 1 day 10:05, 3 users, load average: 0.13, 0.17, 0.15
CPU Intel® i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | GPU Intel® Arrandale

I installed it using zypper (I downloaded the package file & pointed zypper at it).

It also moaned about qtwebkit. A bit of a google later & it turns out it’s just moaning about the version (perhaps it’s using a different versioning/naming scheme?) and all that is required is to just “ignore” the dependency and install anyway. Boom.

Thoughtfully, it adds a repo to your sources for ease of future updating if you do it this way (and I assume through Yast as well).

This actually worked better than all the other methods. I had no idea you could just do “zypper in blahblah.rpm” The amazing thing was I used Tab to complete the locale name google_xxxx.rpm and hit enter and it installed all the things it needed and that was it.

What is this amazing Zypper and can I get a T-Shirt.:slight_smile:

On Wed 08 May 2013 08:56:01 PM CDT, anika200 wrote:

weighty_foe;2549890 Wrote:
> I installed it using zypper (I downloaded the package file & pointed
> zypper at it).
> It also moaned about qtwebkit. A bit of a google later & it turns out
> it’s just moaning about the version (perhaps it’s using a different
> versioning/naming scheme?) and all that is required is to just
> “ignore” the dependency and install anyway. Boom.
> Thoughtfully, it adds a repo to your sources for ease of future
> updating if you do it this way (and I assume through Yast as well).

This actually worked better than all the other methods. I had no idea
you could just do “zypper in blahblah.rpm” The amazing thing was I used
Tab to complete the locale name google_xxxx.rpm and hit enter and it
installed all the things it needed and that was it.

What is this amazing Zypper and can I get a T-Shirt.:slight_smile:

I just don’t like them running an at job, adding a cron job and a
repository and then downloading stuff onto my system unnotified…
Hence I always extract and run as my user only :wink:

Yes, zypper is very clever :wink:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.4-desktop
up 1 day 18:28, 4 users, load average: 0.05, 0.12, 0.13
CPU Intel® i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | GPU Intel® Arrandale