google drive on linux


new software to access google drive under linux:

no package yet for suse… but easy to install…

wolfi’s build it

ps. unlike wolfi’s kde5 packages this one installs in /usr so you can use it even if you’re not using wolfi’s plasma 5

my system is running opensuse leap 42.1 with plasma 5.7.95:

I installed it from wolfi repos, I can see files in my gdrives in dolphin, but I cannot write into my gdrives, how can I write in my gdrives?
and also, where my gdrives google accounts are??
manythanks, ciao, pier :slight_smile:

this seams to be a known bug that has apparently been fixed
we need to ask wolfi to update his package
or hope that he reads this :stuck_out_tongue:

the bug seams to be in a kf5 library LibKGAPI
I think we need to wait for an update not sure how or when upstream updates get to us

wolfi’s forgotten to package org.kde.kio-gdrive.desktop

to get a launcher in the menu we need to create a new desktop file org.kde.kio-gdrive.desktop

kate ~/.local/share/applications/org.kde.kio-gdrive.desktop

and paste this

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[ca]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[ca@valencia]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[de]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[it]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[nl]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[pl]=Dolphin (Dysk Google)
Name[pt]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[sk]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[sv]=Dolphin (Google Drive)
Name[uk]=Dolphin (Google Диск)
Name[x-test]=xxDolphin (Google Drive)xx
GenericName=Google Drive File Manager
GenericName[ca]=Gestor de fitxers amb el Google Drive
GenericName[ca@valencia]=Gestor de fitxers amb el Google Drive
GenericName[de]=„Google Drive“-Dateiverwaltung
GenericName[it]=Gestione file di Google Drive
GenericName[nl]=Bestandsbeheerder voor Google Drive
GenericName[pl]=Zarządzanie plikami Dysku Google
GenericName[pt]=Gestor de Ficheiros do Google Drive
GenericName[sk]=Správca súborov Google Drive
GenericName[sv]=Google Drive-filhanterare
GenericName[uk]=Засіб керування файлами Google Диск
GenericName[x-test]=xxGoogle Drive File Managerxx
Exec=dolphin gdrive://

maaanythanks, it works :slight_smile:
for the rest waiting for wolfi to update his package :stuck_out_tongue:

wolfi has updated his package but as I’m on leap I still don’t have the updated LibKGAPI and writing to google drive does not work TW probably has the update
the new version includes the desktop file but unfortunately it uses wolfi’s kf5 paths so if you aren’t using his plasma 5 that desktop file won’t work. but the upcoming leap 42.2 does include this package in the kde:extra repo so it looks like this package will be officially supported

Latest package from wolfi works on TW without addition of the Frameworks5 repo. ATM. Very nice. I now have my own cloud server ( nextcloud ), but I’ve been waiting for this for a long time when still a heavy Google Drive user.

FYI, it is available in KDE:Extra (from where I branch it anyway), and has been submitted to Factory and 42.2 (still pending review though).

Currently it doesn’t build though (for standard Tumbleweed), because it requires libkgapi-5.3.1 which is only available in KDE:Applications at the moment (but has been submitted to Factory and 42.2 as well).

KDE:Extra has a repo called KDE_Applications_openSUSE_Tumbleweed too though, which does build against KDE:Applications and therefore contains kio-gdrive too already. And it’s also there for 42.2.

my system is running opensuse leap 42.1 with plasma 5.7.8:
Laptop=Dell latitude E6510, RAM=8Gb, GPU=GT218 NVS 3100M, CPU=i7 Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
upgraded 13.2 to leap 42.1, using wolfi repos. I’m running KDE 4.14.18 and plasma 5.7.8, KDE frameworks 5.27.0, KDE applications 16.08.1, Kernel 4.1.31-30-default

it works, read and write on gdrive :)…verygood, manythanks

FYI, I have not “forgotten” to package it.

But my package installs it to /opt/kf5/share/applications/, where a “normal” system won’t find it, unless you add that to $XDG_DATA_DIRS manually.
(upto 13.2 “share” folders in /opt were automatically added, but that feature has been removed before the 42.1 release).

Or copy/link the file to /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/share/applications/, or create a shortcut/menu entry with “dolphin gdrive://” as command.

Or install kio-gdrive from KDE:Extra.

OTOH, you don’t really need that .desktop file, you can just type gdrive:// into dolphin’s address line and/or create a shortcut/bookmark to that.

…this I did …:slight_smile:

Ok, fine.
But as you use my Plasma5 packages, it should show up in the application menu anyway.

Where is “KDE_Applications_openSUSE_Tumbleweed -> extra”?

I just added this repo to yast:
[ Editor mangles above URL:
openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ ]]

Is this the right one?

The addition is causing this conflict:

YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2017-06-26 12:12:55

libmysqlclient18-10.1.22-3.3.x86_64 requires, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2k-2.2.x86_64[repo-oss]
] downgrade of libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2k-3.1.x86_64 to libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2k-2.2.x86_64

 ] do not install libmysqlclient18-10.1.22-3.3.x86_64

 ] break libmysqlclient18-10.1.22-3.3.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

YaST2 conflicts list END

The Mysql server is running and appears to work fine.

Any suggestions?


Found kio-gdrive. Attempted install and found a QT conflict:

YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2017-06-26 12:30:11

kio-gdrive- requires, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: libQt5Core5-5.9.0-1.1.x86_64[repo-oss]
] do not install kio-gdrive-

 ] break kio-gdrive- by ignoring some of its dependencies

 ] downgrade of libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2k-3.1.x86_64 to libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2k-2.2.x86_64

YaST2 conflicts list END

vulcan:/dbd/mysql/asset # ll locate
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 May 28 04:36 /usr/lib64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 May 28 04:36 /usr/lib64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 May 28 04:36 /usr/lib64/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5077160 May 28 04:45 /usr/lib64/

| Requires:|

Works fine here. How do you update your Tumbleweed?

Following my previous thought:

knurphtlaptop:~ # ll `locate`
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 Jun 13 17:09 /usr/lib64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 Jun 13 17:09 /usr/lib64/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 Jun 13 17:09 /usr/lib64/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5499256 Jun 13 17:11 /usr/lib64/

So, your TW is not up-to-date. Meanwhile the packages in KDE:Extra have been rebuilt against the newer libQt5 .

Right, and it’s also available in the standard Tumbleweed repos since a while (which should always work, even if KDE:Extra lags behind).
(it will also be included in Leap 42.3, though if you want always the latest version you should use KDE:Extra in that case…)

Though in brianpaustin’s case, the problem seems to be related to the openssl upgrade.
Please post your repo list:

zypper lr -d

kio-gdrive doesn’t depend on openssl itself, the conflict is with Qt5.

Running “zypper dup --no-vendor-change” instead of “zypper up” may just “fix” it though, I suppose… :wink: