google chrome issue

Today I refreshed Suse 12.2 on my PC. Afterwards I get the following message when I
launch google-chrome from terminal:

Have you encountered a similar issue?

/usr/bin/google-chrome: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/google-chrome: undefined symbol: BZ2_bzCompressInit

On Mon, 04 Mar 2013 18:06:02 +0000, x-men2011 wrote:

> Today I refreshed Suse 12.2 on my PC.

What do you mean by this?

Do you mean you were running another version of openSUSE (not “Suse”,
BTW) and you upgraded/installed 12.2?

When I upgraded to 12.2, I found it easiest to reinstall Chrome. I did
have an issue (don’t remember if it was the same as your issue) when I
upgraded from 12.1 to 12.2, and a reinstall resolved it.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

@op- Why didn’t you install chromium(chrome clone without all the bad stuff) from YAST

What do you mean by “refreshed”?

On 2013-03-04, x-men2011 <> wrote:
> Today I refreshed Suse 12.2 on my PC. Afterwards I get the following
> message when I
> launch google-chrome from terminal:
> Have you encountered a similar issue?
> /usr/bin/google-chrome: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/google-chrome:
> undefined symbol: BZ2_bzCompressInit

About a month ago after I refreshed' openSUSE 12.2 using zypper up’, everything was fine except Google Chrome (which
was `upgraded’). When I next started Google Chrome, it would not only freeze, but force a hard restart. Since everything
else was fine, I just assumed that the updated Google Chrome was borked for my openSUSE installation.

But rather than go through the kernel logs, I just uninstalled it, removed Google’s repo, and have been using Konqueror
ever since. I know this doesn’t really solve the problem but the OP did ask Have you encountered a similar issue?', and while my experience is not identical, it could be argued to be similar’ :).

So now I won’t touch Chrome (or Chromium) again. But what I can say is that I prefer Konqueror to any other browser
within X. For example, no other browser supports split window browsing under a single tab :D.

Hi, thanks for your comments.
I am using OpenSuse 12.2. I did the following:

>zypper refresh

>zypper update

About your comments:
I have uninstalled google-chrome and installed it again from yast but it didn’t work. I have also
installed it from the google-chrome web page and it didn’t work as well. The error message is
in all cases the same (I mentioned in my last post).
