Good programing books???

Hello to all members of opensuse forums. I’m new here but I have some experience with opensuse.
After exploring the system for 2-3 years I decided to start programming under Linux. It sounds interesting right?:).

So which programming language is the best for begginer like me?
And are there any free books for that language?

I hope someone more experienced than me will help. Thanks in advance

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There have been threads in the recent past asking the same “what should I
learn first” questions that you will likely want to explore to avoid a lot
of duplication. Opinions vary widely and are expressed in those threads
but a lot of it will depend on what you want to do, how you want to do it,
and what other constraints may exist for your output (platform support,
scalability, audience, etc.).

Good luck.

On 06/22/2010 08:06 AM, Sandman1983 wrote:
> Hello to all members of opensuse forums. I’m new here but I have some
> experience with opensuse.
> After exploring the system for 2-3 years I decided to start programming
> under Linux. It sounds interesting right?:).
> So which programming language is the best for begginer like me?
> And are there any free books for that language?
> I hope someone more experienced than me will help. Thanks in advance
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Sandman1983 wrote:

> Hello to all members of opensuse forums. I’m new here but I have some
> experience with opensuse.
> After exploring the system for 2-3 years I decided to start
> programming under Linux. It sounds interesting right?:).
> So which programming language is the best for begginer like me?

Probably depends on your age plus what other sort of background you’ve
got. Also depends somewhat on what you’d like to write - e.g. if you’d
like to try writing stuff for running via your browser, I would
recommend PHP.

Per Jessen, Zürich (21.4°C)

Python is a general purpose language which can be picked up quite quickly and for web applications PHP works great.

The last book I read on programming was “Head first Java”. Besides of the fact that I think java is an excellent language for a lot of tasks, there are more books in the “Head first …” series and I think those books are really excellent. Not too much text or lengthy code snappets but a lot of images, which lead to a quick and thorough understanding of the subject (that goes for me at least).