Going back to XP

I’ve been trying linux for about 5 years now, and using openSuse in preference to XP for 3 of those years. 10.3 was a good OS. I had a good 6 months use, without a single problem. 11.0 was faster, looked better, and reasonably stable.

11.1 is a headache. A standard install from the live system was fine. After installing updates and various packages I need for photo editing, the problems began. Programs failed to start. Menus and panels rearranged themselves. In XFCE, the panel disappeared altogether. I tried a clean re-install, choosing my preferred KDE 3.5 desktop. I rebooted the pc and… found Gnome. I tried another fresh install, thinking I had made a mistake. No. Same result. I checked the forums here, to find other people reporting the same problem. That’s a monumental bug in the installer. How did that get through?
Anyway, I gave up on 11.1 and used XP until 11.2 RC1 was available. The install went with no problems, and KDE looks very impressive. I found 11.2 RC1 to be more stable than 11.1 Final! I installed the extra packages I need (rawstudio, hugin etc) and had several days of bliss - until I put my machine in standby mode. That broke it. My desktop starts, but the mouse and keyboard fail to work, thus the ctrl-alt-backspace combo does not work, nor do any of the command keys. There is plenty of hard drive activity, but no response from user inputs. It’s fubared.

So, I’m in a quandry. I like suse - it’s not too easy, not too hard, and when it works, I am far more productive than when using Micro$oft offerings. But, it doesn’t work anymore. 11.1 was appalling, and I’m not convinced that 11.2 will be any better. Having given up hope that suse will improve, and not having found another distro I like (or that works reliably), I am going back to XP, not because I like it, but because it just works. I install new software, and it does not break. I suspend and resume and it does not break. I move icons, or change taskbar properties, and it does not break.

Having said that, if I can find a linux based system that is as solid as 10.3, but faster, I will be a very happy man.

Why not just re-install 11.0 ? You mentioned no problems with 11.0. 11.0 still will be supported for a while.

Why did you not once ask for help on our forum ? Not once. Not once. I can’t help but wonder for the motivation for posts such as yours, where there is not one request for help. Why this on your very first post? I’m curious. Indeed, why even bother posting? What is your purpose?

None of us are above asking for help. I’ve been using Linux for 11 years now, and just yesterday I went asking for wireless help, which I got.

Or is this just your way of requesting help without actually asking ?

Please also note this is a support forum. Not a developers forum. So please post your question and I confident you will get attempts from users to help you solve your 11.1 or 11.2 problems.

Reference keyboard/mouse not responding, …did you try boot to run level 3 to see if they work there? If they are USB devices, did you try going into your BIOS and change the mode to legacy mode.

… I’m still wondering why not one request for help and then a post like this.

The thread title says it all:
" Going back to XP"

Didn’t you even visit the forum for help. This is your first post!

On Sun, 08 Nov 2009 20:16:01 +0000, quilaia wrote:

> So, I’m in a quandry. I like suse - it’s not too easy, not too hard, and
> when it works, I am far more productive than when using Micro$oft
> offerings. But, it doesn’t work anymore. 11.1 was appalling, and I’m not
> convinced that 11.2 will be any better. Having given up hope that suse
> will improve, and not having found another distro I like (or that works
> reliably), I am going back to XP, not because I like it, but because it
> just works. I install new software, and it does not break. I suspend and
> resume and it does not break. I move icons, or change taskbar
> properties, and it does not break.

Perhaps you could post some questions to these forums and get assistance
for the problems you’re having - I note that this is your first post to
this forum, so rather than make it a “I’m going back to XP because
openSUSE doesn’t work”, why not make it a question that helps you get
things working that aren’t?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Moderator

I see two options apart from the two of oldcpu (a) 11.0 or (b) ask for help. These extra options to consider are:

  1. Try 11.2 KDE. I haven’t tried it but I read the advance reports and if I look past the normal hyperbolic praise, then I think I see a much more stable offering than 11.1 KDE. I will even try it myself after moving to 11.1 Gnome to get away from the early 11.1 KDE.
  2. Spend a bit of time with 11.1 Gnome – rock solid and slick as always.

Actually openSUSE 11.2 is looking quite good, and secondly you know XP is done for right?
Microsoft pretty much killed extended support for it so I heard, you will be living in a security nightmare soon.

I noticed the pouring of first post just works in the soapbox and general chitchat. Expect more to come.:stuck_out_tongue:

> I checked the forums here, to find other people reporting the same
> problem.

i can’t find a single complaint where someone tried to install
openSUSE with KDE and got Gnome instead!! but, maybe the OP will
return and shoot me a URL…

> thus the ctrl-alt-backspace combo does not work

and, too busy to read the documentation…

more proof that Linux is not for all…i guess XP will fit him/her ok
for the next five years–if it is supported that long :slight_smile:

Have a lot of fun…

I also searched and could also not find a single URL of such a complaint. Maybe they were looking on a different forum?

oldcpu wrote:
> Maybe they were looking on a different forum?

or just another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cdiz0k0Rudw

Have a lot of fun…

If I were you, I would buy support for SLED version 10, and use it;

Simple answer - Going backto XP - off you go then.

We are a support forum, hence I think some of wish user quilaia best of luck in what ever OS quilaia ends up using.

I confess, thou, some of us are a bit suspicious of users who less than a week before an official release, join the forum specifically to say bad things about the distribution, having never once asked for help, and never once posted before on the forum. Given the timing (a new release of openSUSE imminent), and the thrust of the post, it does make one wonder about the motivations of such a post. Why put down another OS? Why not just use what works best for one and not badmouth someone else’s efforts. IMHO its sad if the only reason quilaia joined was to simply put down the efforts of others. If they had problems, there is a reasonable chance many of them could have been solved if they had asked for help.

But there were no help requests. And some of the details in the post were factually inaccurate (such as a completely fabricated story of there being other complaints about trying to install openSUSE with KDE and getting Gnome instead). Clearly there is some literary license being used here. :slight_smile:

openSUSE is far from a perfect distribution (no distribution is) and far from a perfect OS (no OS is perfect) but all distributions and all OS can be made better for a user, IF the user simply asks for help when help is needed.

Its still not too late to start a new thread, and ask for help.

I have a little ASUS 904HD that was given to me that comes with Win XP, and I am fed up with all the Trojan Horse’s and Security checking, If I had unlimited Money the Mac’s are good because of the X of Mac-OSX. I have Dual Boot and use Slow XP only when I have too!:):slight_smile:

It seems my Troll Sense™ has started to catch on here, I am pleased :wink:

A very clear thread title, no hardware info, and no evidence of previous form on asking for help. Surely a thread where less should be more (effective), and less to google on. :wink:

rotfl! You’ve trade marked it?

Will it become known as Hi-de Troll (Copyright 2009). lol!

Of course! The award winning Chrysantine’s Troll Sense™ catches 50% more trolls than the competing sense!

Yeah, yeah and it’s greener! Ok, the cheque’s in the post…