Gnome 3.0

Will open suse have Gnome 3.0 preview soon? I’ve seen a few previews on Mandriva,looks incredible.

GNOME/3.0 - openSUSE

openSUSE 11.2 already features an early preview of GNOME 3.0 i mean you can install gnome-shell and zeitgeist to get an idea how GNOME 3.0 will be.

Just do sudo zypper in gnome-shell gnome-zeitgeist
run it by, gnome-shell --replace

More updated packages are available on GNOME:Factory repository.

By the lack of activity here, either nobody is trying this out, are happy with it. I don’t know if it is available in 11.3.

I recently installed it and have been experimenting.

My first thoughts are WOW what a major change. :open_mouth: :cry:

I keep going to where I had the panel on the bottom to change between open apps, then sometimes I’m moving the mouse and hit the upper left corner by mistake. I see no way to have named Workspaces as I do on 2.28, but it appears you can create an unlimited number of them in Gnome 3.

Since Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user’s activities and events (files opened, websites visits, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes relevant information available to other applications. I’ll pass on installing it.

I do not know about zeigeist, but I did get the gnome-shell. Actually, I rather love it. I think it is awesome. Clearly it is unfiinished…but so far so good.

I had not thought about hitting the gnome factory repository. I am still very new on linux and suse, and unsure that I want to do that. Experts here seem to warn about creating an unstable system by doing factory ‘anything’…especially if new. Maybe I will back everything up and give it a whirl.

i can say i tried zeitgeist. and it works for me. however i notice for myself i never use it though.
i tried gnome-shell in the past but mutter seems a lot slower than compiz, so i did a fallback to compiz.

Did a fallback to compiz on Gnome?

I don’t want any effects, but it doesn’t look like I have a choice with gnome-shell if I want to use it. Still experimenting and learning.

Awesome may be too strong of a word. It is interesting, challenging and frustrating at times.

Maybe I’ll add the gnome factory repo and see what is there.

I’ve been using Linux exclusively for 10 years now, and know just enough to get myself in trouble. Backups? What are those?

So the Gnome Preview is very different than Gnome-Shell?

I tried Gnome-shell before and liked it, except for the resource requirements for the desktop effects. I’d rather it be snappier for my older laptop with a smaller screen (12", which was why I looked at it in the first place).

gnome-shell is gnome 3 preview. It showed up after I installed gnome-shell.

GnomeShell - GNOME Live!

Even since i run KDE right now, Gnome 3 is always on my mind. Its just a good approach to the desktop. This could be a real great push forward how you interact with your desktop.

I might return to Gnome and Gnome-shell, but first I have a Smeegol to hunt! yarr!!

thats fine for you but that was not the objective here and maybe some people like using compisitiing effects for there desktops.

I’ve tested out the live-cd image and it’s awesome. I’m trying to install it on my 11.4 openSUSE but I’m having trouble. Can someone give me some noobish instructions on how to install at least the gnome3 preview?? I need some noobish instructions as I just installed openSUSE the other day just so I can get gnome3. I was previously using ubuntu. I’ve installed the gnome-shell (verstion 2.91.6-6.9.1) from the yast software manager but it didn’t change my desktop to the gnome 3 desktop. What am I missing?


I am still questioning myself about the real usability of GNOME 3 : I am not sure it’ll get the job done. Apart from the bling, bling, I have doubts… I’ll wait a little to see some reviews. But an early preview I read was not quite happy with GNOME 3.

when you have installed it, you need to choose it at the login. On the login screen there is a word: “session” or similar and when you click on it you can choose different DE´s, like KDE, Gnome and Gnome preview. Gnome preview or Gnome 3 is then Gnome 3 and when you then log in, with your password, it loads it.

On Thu, 07 Apr 2011 23:06:01 +0000, alphonso77 wrote:

> Can someone give me some
> noobish instructions on how to install at least the gnome3 preview??

For the preview, all I did was open a terminal window and run:

sudo zypper in gnome-shell

That pulled in what was needed, or seemed to.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 01:33 +0000, Jim Henderson wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Apr 2011 23:06:01 +0000, alphonso77 wrote:
> > Can someone give me some
> > noobish instructions on how to install at least the gnome3 preview??
> For the preview, all I did was open a terminal window and run:
> sudo zypper in gnome-shell
> That pulled in what was needed, or seemed to.
> Jim
That’s only the preview… :wink: this system is now running 3.0 from a
fresh install from the liveCD (See the evolution version :wink: )

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.4 (i586) Kernel
up 1:46, 2 users, load average: 0.71, 0.45, 0.38
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME

Maybe we can see some screenshots?

I presume that Gnome 3 will have the same controversy as KDE 4 had. There are people that want Gnome the way it is to stay.
Same was with KDE 3. Some people got really turned off (so i read), but look what KDE became. Nice and shiny and so will Gnome.
If it is released i will install it. Right now, i just don’t have the time i think.

On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 02:36 +0000, JoergJaeger wrote:
> Maybe we can see some screenshots?
> I presume that Gnome 3 will have the same controversy as KDE 4 had.
> There are people that want Gnome the way it is to stay.
> Same was with KDE 3. Some people got really turned off (so i read), but
> look what KDE became. Nice and shiny and so will Gnome.
> If it is released i will install it. Right now, i just don’t have the
> time i think.
Posted a couple up on the April Screenshot thread.

Not sure, people have been playing with the preview for a while, so the
concept is old so to speak. It’s a little different for sure, but as
always with Gnome, the important stuff just works :wink:

This netbook is handling it fine sofar but only been up three hours or
so, all configured up. Just need to download my apps from my home

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.4 (i586) Kernel
up 3:22, 2 users, load average: 0.11, 0.38, 0.41
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME