Hi all, need help with an answer here and i would like to have your thoughts on this.

been running suse 11.3 x64 for the last year and im wondering if it is possible on the current opensuse 11.4:

1- during the installation to choose gnome 2.x (latest release of gnome 2 series)?
if not,
2- after installation of opensuse 11.4 remove gnome3 and install latest gnome 2.x version safely?

Personally i think gnome3 is really a step that i was not expecting and i really do not see me ever using it, if i want a Mac or a “Macindows” i’ll buy one.

thanks in advanced

11.4 only has Gnome 2.30.2 you need to add the Gnome 3.0 repository to change it.

12.1 will be Gnome 3.x.x only with fallback mode for Gnome 2.x looks

I fully agree. But what else can we do? We will adapt or die.
As already mentioned, there is no Gnome 3 by default on 11.4.
Whenever you encounter Gnome3 on a system, you can always do:

dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name gnome-fallback

and logout/login. Then it won’t look like your cellphone anymore. (you’ll use dbus-launch if X is not running).

  • You’ll also have to hack the menus … but it’s doable (and explained in some other posts).

On 08/07/2011 10:46 AM, phantom74 wrote:
> Hi all, need help with an answer here and i would like to have your
> thoughts on this.
> been running suse 11.3 x64 for the last year and im wondering if it is
> possible on the current opensuse 11.4:
> 1- during the installation to choose gnome 2.x (latest release of gnome
> 2 series)?
> if not,
> 2- after installation of opensuse 11.4 remove gnome3 and install latest
> gnome 2.x version safely?
> Personally i think gnome3 is really a step that i was not expecting and
> i really do not see me ever using it, if i want a Mac or a “Macindows”
> i’ll buy one.
> thanks in advanced

You could choose ‘other’ at the installation and you may install XCFE or
I am sure there will be also an option for Gnome 2 later on. Am i right?

Euer Komputerfriek Joerg
using LXDE on 11.4 x64 and happy with a cup of really hot coffee…

Hi malcom, thank you for the reply,

those are wonderful news to me, ****!!! Gonna be installing suse 11.4 soon enough, gonna study for my ccna security and need just to install and run gns3 and virtualbox, gns3 is much better in x64.

thanks again mal!

thanks for the reply mate!!!

But what else can we do? We will adapt or die.

seriously, im not gonna use it, i test it during 5 hours straight and im sorry to say but it sux, it doesn’t have anything to do with the linux environment! it is pushing the linux community to a numb down, seams like the control over the system is not the same, and the usability is not logical. i really thought it would be great step though!

dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name gnome-fallback

****…nice tip mate, thanks a lot, gonna try it out in a ubuntu 11.04 here!

appreciate it!

hey joe, thanks for the reply,

i know that we can choose the DE that are available mate, im sorry i didn’t specify that i was referring to gnome only, i read a news that Torvalds ditch gnome for LXDE also, these kind of choices are not just “random” if you know what i mean! And an option for gnome 2.x would always be a great choice because i do not want gnome 3 as it is right now!

thanks mate!