GIMP printing

Hi, I have a problem with GIMP printing on my Epson 265. When I
installed 10.2 I originally had a problem, that once I installed
gutenprint 5x the printing was perfect.

I now have 11.1 installed, and when trying to print a 6x4 photo, I
either get a 2x3 photo, a cropped photo, or a enlarged subsection. I
don’t seem to be able to get a 6x4 photo out.

Having done a search it doesn’t seem to be a problem for people.

If I setup the page to 6x4 for the printer it seems to make the page
10mmx15mm. If I custom set it, then the page is right, but still the
picture is only printed on a 4x3 (approx) section. The print preview is
always good!!

Anyone got any hints or tips?



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For anyone else that might find a problem. The solution is to install
gimp gutenprint-plugin. Then print using gutenprint. Works like the old

Anyone care to explain what the point of GIMP print is then, since it
doesn’t work very well ?


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