GIMP: crash, crash, crash, LOCKUP hard reboot GIMP crashes on image export

Anyone else using GIMP?

I get crash/system lockup when I attempt to export image, jpg or png, probably others, just tried those two.

Only way to recover is Alt-SysRq keys (REISUB), or hold the power button to force reboot.

After reboot, can see Image has been exported, even though system then locked.

Happening for a few weeks, now, I believe. I have tried uninstalling, cleaning all GIMP directories, and re-installing, but problem persists.

Doesn’t matter what I do in GIMP before that, same result. Even tried just loading a good PNG, then attempt to export it to another name PNG without doing anything else between.

Because system locks, can’t even try top or Task Manager.

Does the journal show any hints?



Haven’t encountered the issue you describe (I’m using openSUSE Leap 15.4, gimp version 2.10.30).

Anything interesting captured?

gimp --verbose > out.log

Also are you running X11 or Wayland?

Here it works:

stephan@linux64:~> gimp --version
GNU Image Manipulation Program Version 2.10.32

Its a fork from the graphics Repo.

Plasma, Xorg, nouveau.

Will try an export today and see if it gives a clue.


I’ve got:

gerry@StudioAsus01:~> gimp --version
GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.12

I don’t actually find it in the download search for 15.3, get this:

No data for openSUSE:Leap:15.3 / gimp

However, in Yast Software (GUI) search, I get offered GIMP but only versions 2.10.12-150300.9.6.1-x86_64 offered from Update Repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 and vendor SUSE LLC , and from same place 2.10.12-150300.9.3.1-x86_64, or 3rd option 2.10.12-7.25-x86_64 from Main Repository and vendor SUSE LLC (no “updates from” on this line).

I have tried 9.6.1 and 9.3.1, same problem.

In the unofficial, I see GIMP 2.10.32 apparently does not build (blocked) for 15.3 because of GEGL-related.

Long time away from this, refresh this old codger’s mind on how to check.

Running Xfce

I suspect X11, run the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE

Not much life in Leap 15.3 (~ 6 weeks), maybe time to upgrade to Leap 15.4?


??? Six Weeks ???

Sheesh! But, I thought I just upgraded from 42.3 to 15.3 … :beat-up::?rotfl!

Gonna do this. Will followup on this thread with results when that is done.

Follow the guide for less pain as there is some repo changes… SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE Wiki

Thank you.


In the meantime, I decided to completely clear out GIMP again, then installed from “the 3rd option”:

or 3rd option 2.10.12-7.25-x86_64 from Main Repository and vendor SUSE LLC

So far, that seems to have done the trick. I was able to get the Graphics work done tonight. If that (knock on wood) holds, it will do me for a week or two until I move up to 15.4

Thanks, all.

Thanks for the update.

Stupid Facebook!!! Back on the Forums, here I keep looking for the “Thumbs Up” or the “Like” buttons !!! :?

Have to use Facebook for my Music and promo, but to say I am not thrilled with it would be far, far too kind.

