I get crash/system lockup when I attempt to export image, jpg or png, probably others, just tried those two.
Only way to recover is Alt-SysRq keys (REISUB), or hold the power button to force reboot.
After reboot, can see Image has been exported, even though system then locked.
Happening for a few weeks, now, I believe. I have tried uninstalling, cleaning all GIMP directories, and re-installing, but problem persists.
Doesn’t matter what I do in GIMP before that, same result. Even tried just loading a good PNG, then attempt to export it to another name PNG without doing anything else between.
Because system locks, can’t even try top or Task Manager.
gerry@StudioAsus01:~> gimp --version
GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.12
I don’t actually find it in the download search for 15.3, get this:
No data for openSUSE:Leap:15.3 / gimp
However, in Yast Software (GUI) search, I get offered GIMP but only versions 2.10.12-150300.9.6.1-x86_64 offered from Update Repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 and vendor SUSE LLC , and from same place 2.10.12-150300.9.3.1-x86_64, or 3rd option 2.10.12-7.25-x86_64 from Main Repository and vendor SUSE LLC (no “updates from” on this line).
I have tried 9.6.1 and 9.3.1, same problem.
In the unofficial, I see GIMP 2.10.32 apparently does not build (blocked) for 15.3 because of GEGL-related.
In the meantime, I decided to completely clear out GIMP again, then installed from “the 3rd option”:
or 3rd option 2.10.12-7.25-x86_64 from Main Repository and vendor SUSE LLC
So far, that seems to have done the trick. I was able to get the Graphics work done tonight. If that (knock on wood) holds, it will do me for a week or two until I move up to 15.4