Well, of course the easisest would be to buy a fatter battery, but that would kind of kill the idea of having a really portable and sleak little machine, mine has the smallest battery, only 4400mAh and that’s not much.
How about increasing battery time on this little baby from around 4 hours to 5.5 hours? Possible? indeed, this machine has hybrid ION graphics, i.e. it has two graphics cards, one Nvidia discret card and one Intel gpu integrated with the Atom cpu. Installing OpenSUSE 11.4 32 bit on this netbook will give you a system running on the Nvidia card by default, with 4 hours battery time, I’ll show you howe to make it possible to run it for up to 5.5 hours on the Intel graphics gpu and still have the possibillity to switch it to run on the Nvidia gpu for perfomance.
What you’ll need to do first is simple enough, enable the Packman repo, if you haven’t already, and install the package DKMS. If you didn’t install the pattern linux kernel development at install do run the following command:
zypper in -t pattern devel_kernel
Now exit root and run the following command, from your home or desktop folder:
git clone https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee.git
So we have a folder bumblebee but we arn’t gonna use bumblebee in this HOWTO, just cd to bumblebee/stages, once there su to root and do the following:
chmod +x acpicall.OPENSUSE
You’ve just finished the installation of the module acpi_call, that was easy, wasn’t it? Now fire up yast, click on system>etc/sysconfig-editor>System>Kernel>MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT, add acpi_call and click Ok.
Now just one final step, su to root and run vim /etc/init.d/halt.local, or if you’re more comfortable with gedit run gnomesu gedit, forgive me if you’re on KDE it’s probably just as easy, then add the following line:
echo "\OSGS 0x01" > /proc/acpi/call
The above line is what sets which graphics mode the machine will run in 01 is intel mode, 02 is Nvidia mode and 03 is Optimus mode, whenever you wish to set Nvidia back change the mode back to 02 before you reboot, but don’t try with any other values, I can’t guaratee what will happen, TAKE CARE!
We are almost finished, just to spare us an extra reboot, su to root and do the following:
modprobe acpi_call
And to give you an example, before you reboot make sur to be on battery and do the following, notice the present rate value and compare to what you get after reboot:
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
Now reboot!