Does anyone interested to make this OS a Gaming OS. If yes i propose two packages for the Build Service but from official employees: VKD3D-git and Anbox-git. Only git not outdated.
vkd3d is already available? There are no employees it’s a community contribution, as in those who do, make it so… there is nothing stopping a user who is building from submitting to the distribution, I see a few folks packaging anbox, so would suggest you look at asking those people to see if they are interested in pushing to a development project and into Factory…
osc se anbox
matches for 'anbox' in projects:
# Project
matches for 'anbox' in packages:
# Project # Package
home:Dead_Mozay:anbox anbox
home:dmacvicar:anbox anbox
home:gasinvein:anbox anbox
home:harish2704:branches:home:twotaps:branches:home:gasinvein:anbox anbox
home:k0da:branches:home:Dead_Mozay:anbox anbox
home:lewellyn:android anbox
home:scalpel4k anbox
home:twotaps:branches:home:gasinvein:anbox anbox
Sorry but outdated Anbox cannot be installed because of Boost compatibility and other problems. Also Opensuse Vkd3d is outdated as well. I don’t really understand why Linux distros are happy with 1% market share.
So, open a bug report to get anbox sorted by one of the Maintainers? Ask them if they are interested in push to Factory…
For vkd3d, outdated in what way, are you hitting a bug with the openSUSE version and need the git version? Again, it’s a do-ocrity, a bug report and ask the Maintainer to pull the latest git release if your hit by a bug, or they can backport the commit(s)…
I don’t think they are happy with the market share. There is just no easy fix Valve tried this and didn’t get far. Now google is trying with Stadia (hope they will be more successful but it doesn’t look great in my opinion). The major problem is with the game developers. It’s just cheaper to develop games for Windows and major consoles. As an example look at PS3. It had this strange CPU, which made things much harder for the developers and this is why it started out so bad. Xbox 360 was king in the begining. This is why PS4 has a normal CPU to make developers happy
There is just no easy fix…
geometry dash
I think a lot of people would like to game on linux as they do on windows, but I don’t think those two packages are the main problem.
If consoles where the archenemy of PC gaming before, laptops and servers are the equivalent for linux, imo.
On linux by default my CPU is running at it’s stock speed while being ~10 degrees warmer then on windows which turbos for +400MHz ???
The GPU is also running at stock speed. Enabling the OC features with amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xfffd7fff causes the system to crash as soon as I get to the login screen. (this is with DP, it works with HDMI but i can’t go over 60Hz on my monitor with it)
It’s funny how some reviewers claim to get 30-40 % less FPS in linux w/o even checking the engine clock.
All in all, the future of linux gaming looks promising, but i wish that some things would be done by default rather then fiddling with config files.