As the subject states, I just performed a fresh install of Tumbleweed on bare metal and want to the know the process required to prep it for gaming with Steam …
Currently have it set to Dual Boot with Windows 11, but I don’t know if I need to install AMD’s proprietary driver blob or not. I tried this morning (e.e downloading amdgpu for SUSE Enterprise from AMD) but the repos kept giving me an error so I just disabled them for now. Is there a tutorial anywhere that can give me a general workflow of pulling this off?
AMD drivers are installed with the Kernel if I have understood correctly, so you shouldn’t need to do anything to start playing games on an AMD build. I at least didn’t, though to get all the power out of your device that you might need for modern games I would suggest installing and using Feral’s gamemode.
I didn’t post this in gaming because I specifically mentioned CONFIGURATION for gaming. Configuring something for a specific purpose and actually pulling it off are two different things entirely - especially when it involves Linux. Otherwise Linux would have at least one or two phenomenal MP3 players …
I am no gamer, thus I would never even try to answer this.
I assume those that have experience with gaming may know something about what you are trying.
Amd drivers are baked in. No need to install drivers. Just install steam using zypper or the software center. Then make sure to enable steam play for all titles.
Good to know. But I’m holding off a bit. Booted up Tumbleweed yesterday morning and it wanted to update 480 some odd packages. I saw one person’s update go south on the OpenSUSE subreddit so I’m not pulling the trigger on it until the weekend when I have more time to reinstall if I have similar issues as I’m using btrfs without snapshots …
I never got a full Steam install done via YaST. This time via Leap 15.5 I had Steam installed but no icon for launching it. Later I leaned that a third party Steam add-on needs to be installed in YaST for having that launch icon.
But when I installed Steam via ‘Software’ coming from Flatpack, all was fine and fully functional on first install.
And I apologize if YaST is coming throught as Yeast - my auto-correction in Firefox does sometimes funny stuff without me noticing it in time. My bad, sorry.
Got it working easily enough. Installed Steam from the software center but MegaMan Legacy Collection would close immediately. Had to install Vulkan and it worked. Not bad at all …
AMD-own 3D drivers, such as AMDVLK, are available with for Leap, not for TW.
Ordinary Mesa 3D drivers works better for games than AMD-own 3D drivers.
Some Mesa 3D packages to install:
libOSMesa8 - or another # instead of 8