G4 Apple Mini & Cinema display

G’day wasn’t quiet sure where you folks are putting the PPC talk. I noticed there was an archive from the old forums.

I have been away from linux most of last year due to loosing faith. Not so much with SUSE, but I did listen to the crys about the Novel & Microsoft deal. My ***** was how Yellow Dog kinda ditched the PPC mac suport but never bothered to inform folks. So after spending hours trying to get a newer distro to configure I tossed the towel in & stuck to OSX.

Just by accident killing some time. I decided to look at what SUSE had been up to. Well I liked what I saw & noticed PPC support YEA. After a quick Google I had sorta conformation 11.1 works with a Cinema display.

Folks out there with an old G4 mini this distro is like having a custom built OS. Simple as to install & it configured up & running without much help.

I am impressed with the look feel and best of all another OS for my G4 mini.

Thank you SUSE folks for producing such a nice distro.