FTP server and KDE desktop

I’m being told that the reason why i cant get a FTP server to work is becuase im using a desktop, not server.

Is that even true? I can get samba server to run fine, just having an issue with FTP. I’m using Suse 12.2 KDE desktop, dual boot with windows.


Sweettea wrote:
> I’m being told that the reason why i cant get a FTP server to work is
> becuase im using a desktop, not server.
> Is that even true?


If you posted some useful information about what you’ve tried and what
goes wrong; people might be able to help you further.

thanks for your reply. ive posted in this thread a few times about my issue…

via yast, i have installed pureftpd, proftp, and vsftp. why all 3? becuase webmin cant find them when i log in. all 3 are listed in the unused modlules. after doing research on what “unsued modules” ment to webmin, it said that it ment that those programs were not isntalled. ive also tried to install via terminal, and terminal says that they are installed. so im at a complete loss as to what to do. after asking a professor for help, they menioned that an FTP server would not work in desktop. but i felt that this info was wrong.


I installed all of them just to be able to help you. They don’t have a graphical interface so you’ll not be able to find them from the menu(at least I don’t know the way to do it).
You need to either find a graphical interface for any/all of them(if it exists) or go in a terminal and start/configure them. For example vsftpd has the configuration file at /etc/vsftpd.conf. Read the man for it and see what are your options. I think you’ll have to start them first after installation with YAST. /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf will need to be cofigured for the proftpd. It runs as a daemon standalone or as a server. pure-ftpd is configurable via /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd-conf. I hope that the teacher who said that it has to run on a server not a desjtop is not a computer science teacher. Good luck and have fun reading/learning.

thank you for your reply.

im ok with no GUI, i prefer one but i’ll deal. if im reading right, webmin will be the inferface for them. but if webmin says they are not installed im lost lol
if i read understood your reply correctly, I need to edit the config file in order for them to work? maybe i missunderstood. i will look into the config file when i get home. thanks a lot for your help

On 02/11/2013 05:16 PM, Sweettea wrote:
> ive posted in this thread

no, not in this thread…this is a thread which began less than an
hour ago on 11 Feb 2013.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

Sweettea wrote:
> thanks for your reply. ive posted in this thread a few times about my
> issue…
> via yast, i have installed pureftpd, proftp, and vsftp. why all 3?
> becuase webmin cant find them when i log in. all 3 are listed in the
> unused modlules. after doing research on what “unsued modules” ment to
> webmin, it said that it ment that those programs were not isntalled. ive
> also tried to install via terminal, and terminal says that they are
> installed. so im at a complete loss as to what to do. after asking a
> professor for help, they menioned that an FTP server would not work in
> desktop. but i felt that this info was wrong.

Yes, the info was wrong.

I don’t see any mention in your previous messages about webmin, so I’ve
no idea why you mention it now.

I see that you had an initial thread and then appear to have abandoned
it after people asked you to answer some questions. I suggest you go
back to that thread and answer the questions and then maybe you’ll make
some progress.

in yast you can search for yast-ftp-server and I would suggest using it because it gives you a graphical interface for either vsftpd or proftpd. your choice and a way to start/stop/configure the ftp daemon from a graphical interface

On 2013-02-11 17:16, Sweettea wrote:
> thanks for your reply. ive posted in this thread a few times about my
> issue…
> via yast, i have installed pureftpd, proftp, and vsftp. why all 3?
> becuase webmin cant find them when i log in.

Why are you using webmin when YaST has an FTP server configuration module?

> after asking a
> professor for help, they menioned that an FTP server would not work in
> desktop. but i felt that this info was wrong.

This is wrong and it is also correct. Right, because the FTP server is a
daemon, which means that it has no GUI you can use in the desktop to
configure it. Wrong, because of course, the daemon can run regardless if
the machine has a desktop or not.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

webmin doesn’t see either of the services, since they’re not activated. Best use yast in ncurses mode ( no graphical desktop required ):
login on the machine’s login prompt, using username and password, then do:

su -c yast

Install the yast-ftp modules, restart yast and you’ll see them.

And, you may have guessed, there’s no openSUSE Desktop or Server version, openSUSE is both.

We can run servers only on boxes that are labelled servers and certified by XYZ etc . They must have rack technology and have hundreds of parallel processing units. That is basic kindergarten info. Our society is being fooled by multinationals rotfl!

i’m using webmin because when i type FTP in the yast search, nothing comes up

I tried the su -c yast and was able to get to it. but found no yast-ftp modules.

thanks for the replies

On 2013-02-12 15:56, Sweettea wrote:
> @robin_listas
> i’m using webmin because when i type FTP in the yast search, nothing
> comes up
> @Knurpht
> I tried the su -c yast and was able to get to it. but found no
> yast-ftp modules.

Because you have to install them. Did you try using yast package manager
to find what installable modules yast has to offer?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

That was my input :

in yast you can search for yast-ftp-server
and let me add that you need to install it with the Software Management tool in Yast, as it seems I was not clear. After installation with Yast you’ll find a new icon under Network Services called FTP Server. Starting it. it will give you the options to set it up and start/stop the ftp daemon.

On 2013-02-12 16:56, dmera wrote:
> That was my input :>

Yes, sometimes you have to repeat advices several times till they read
and understand them. Sigh.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

ok since what im saying is not being understood. im including pics,.

yastFTP.png Photo by whitedove_photos | Photobucket

FTPserver.png Photo by whitedove_photos | Photobucket


On 02/12/2013 06:06 PM, Sweettea wrote:
> ok since what im saying is not being understood.

we understand you, you do not understand us…you were told to use
YaST Software management to instal the YaST FTP module you are now
missing, if you don’t understand how to do that then ask, try this:

open YaST Software Management, in the search blank type


and click the ‘Search’ button…
the single left click the box next to the yast2-ftp-server package to
change it from empty to a green check mark (meaning install it)

then click the ‘Accept’ button at the lower right…when YaST2
window has finished its work it will probably close…

after it has, look back into the YaST Control Center window and see
if something named “FTP Server” has appeared in the Network Services

if it has not appeared then shutdown the YaST Control Center window
and after a few seconds wait, click to launch YaST again and again
check to see if “FTP Server” has appeared…

if it has you may then use the configuration GUI available within…

and, in it you will find a “Help” button on every page…if you don’t
have enough experience with FTP to understand the help you may need
to do some outside reading…

maybe this might help:

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

That is a client FTP in photo 1 not a server

You have not installed yast2-frp-server mod in photo 2

it is yast2 not yast in photo 3

On 2013-02-12 18:06, Sweettea wrote:
> ok since what im saying is not being understood. im including pics,.

We understood you perfectly, but you are not reading us. We tell you
that you have to install the yast ftp server configuration module.


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

dear,You are missing the ‘2’ in image 3
refer :- SUSE Paste