What is SUSE solution for a Identity Management (IdM) Server like FreeIPA?
FreeIPA for openSUSE is available from security:idm
Can I follow the same installation instructions as RHEL as stated on FreeIPA, “Use Red Hat Enteprise Linux documentation”?
Getting this error when trying to use the freeipa.ymp file and the install failed:
Software installation
The installation has failed. For more information, see the log file at /var/log/YaST2/y2log. Failure stage was: Adding Repositories
Error Message
An error occurred while attempting to subscribe to the required repositories. Review the yast2 logs for more information.
The following repositories could not be added
also tried “Add repository and install manually”,
For 15.4 run the following as root:
zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:idm/15.4/security:idm.repo zypper refresh zypper install freeipa
with no success as well:
kbbn7server:~ # zypper install freeipa
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'freeipa' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'freeipa' found.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
What is it that I need to do to correct these failures?
Sorry, it seems security:idm
project builds only FreeIPA client, not server itself. There are several home projects also building FreeIPA, may be one of them biulds server as well.
You should use Kanidm instead - it’s faster and more secure than FreeIPA.
Okay, I will take a look at it, thanks!..