Freecad starts, but 0.18.4: cannot go to part workspace, 0.19.4 cannot load new model

Hi all
I do have several machines, all running OS LEap 15.3 64 bit. One is a threadripper with 128 GB Ram and another i5-4570S with 32 GB Ram plus an old lenovo W700ds with just 8GB Ram. OS is up to date as of today (March 16, 2022),[FONT=monospace] KDE/Plasma througout my linux machines.
I used freecad successfullly about 2 weeks ago.
Freecad 0.18.4 runs just fine on 700ds, but neither 0.18.4 nor 0.19.4 on Threadripper and I5. Text below is for Threadripper and i5 PCs:

Trigger Freecad, loads fine, with start page and no workspace (“start”). I then create a new model, runs OK. In order to do something, I’d like to change to parts workspace. A Messagabox jumps up saying:

/usr/lib64/FreeCAD/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN19Geom_BSplineSurface7SegmentEdddd

Stopped Freecad, removed ~/.Freecad since I read like that freecad creates new “system.cfg” and “user.cfg”. Verified that, too and restarted freecad. Same problem again on both machines, but n.

[FONT=monospace]rpm -qa | grep -Ei freecad 

Using yast, I deinstall freecad 0.18, add repo and install version 0.19.4:

rpm -qa | grep -Ei freecad 

Trigger freecad, loads fine, but when I wnat to load a new model it freezes.
On statusline it says


The file IS there:

[FONT=monospace]ll /usr/share/FreeCAD/Mod/Start/StartPage/ 
total 44 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1734 Feb 28 02:28 
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  222 Mar 16 10:03 **images**
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2422 Feb 28 02:28 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1884 Feb 28 02:28 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1858 Feb 28 02:28 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1795 Feb 28 02:28 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1672 Feb 28 02:28 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3545 Feb 28 02:28 StartPage.css 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4755 Feb 28 02:28 StartPage.html 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5301 Feb 28 02:28 StartPage.js

repos used on i5:

[FONT=monospace]zypper lr -P 
#  | Alias                                 | Name                                                         | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority 
 5 |$releasever | Packman Repository                                           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   90
 1 | 15.3                                  | dfaure                                                       | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 2 | CrossToolchain:avr                    | CrossToolchain:avr                                           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 3 | Education                             | Education                                                    | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 4 | SLE_15                                | SLE_15                                                       | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 6 |   | openSUSE:Leap:15.3                                           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 7 |  | home:bilson                                                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 8 |  | openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3                                | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
 9 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}           | Utilities                                                    | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
10 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_1         | graphics                                                     | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
11 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_10        | gdisk                                                        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
12 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_2         | Logitech Media Server                                        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
13 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_3         | science                                                      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
14 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_6         | ecsos                                                        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
15 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_7         | packagemanager                                               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
16 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_8         | hardware                                                     | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
17 | openSUSE_Leap_15.2                    | multimedia                                                   | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
18 | openSUSE_Leap_15.2_1                  | Geo                                                          | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
19 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3                    | X11 Utilities                                                | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
20 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3_1                  | filesystems                                                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
21 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3_2                  | Printing                                                     | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
22 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3_3                  | QT5                                                          | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
23 |               | Libdvdcss Repository                                         | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
24 | playonlinux                           | playonlinux                                                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
25 | repo-backports-update                 | Update repository of openSUSE Backports                      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
26 | repo-non-oss                          | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Non-Oss                                   | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
27 | repo-oss                              | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss                                       | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
28 | repo-sle-update                       | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
29 | repo-update                           | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Update                                    | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99 
30 | repo-update-non-oss                   | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Update-Non-Oss                            | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99

Same story on threadripper and i5 again.

On W700ds:

zypper lr -P 
#  | Alias                                 | Name                                                         | Enabled   | GPG Check       | Refresh        | Priority 
 1 | Multimedia Aplls                      | multimedia apps                                              | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 2 | Multimedia libs                       | multimedia libs                                              | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 3 |         | Haupt-Repository (NON-OSS)                                   | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 4 |       | Aktualisierungs-Repository (Nicht-Open-Source-Software)      | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 5 |             | Haupt-Repository (OSS)                                       | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 6 |           | Hauptaktualisierungs-Repository                              | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 7 |$releasever | Packman Repository                                           | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 8 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3                    | Printing                                                     | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
 9 |               | Libdvdcss Repository                                         | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
10 | repo-backports-update                 | Update repository of openSUSE Backports                      | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
11 | repo-sle-update                       | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99 
**w700ds:~ #** rpm -qa | grep -Ei freecad 


How can I get Freecad working again on the threadripper and i5 ?

I do not know anything about Freecad, but browsing through your post I saw that you listed your repos. Alas, this list is next to useless because the column that matters, the URLs, is missing. Better do

zypper lr -d

or any variation that includes the URL.

The Alias and Name of a repo may hint to what the repo is, but they are local to your system. And the URL will tell which repo it points to and e.g. if it is for the another openSUSE version then the one you have.

Hi all

did the following on the i5:

FreeCAD 0.19, Libs: 0.19RUnknown 
© Juergen Riegel, Werner Mayer, Yorik van Havre and others 2001-2021 
FreeCAD is free and open-source software licensed under the terms of LGPL2+ license. 
FreeCAD wouldn't be possible without FreeCAD community. 
  #####                 ####  ###   ####   
  #                    #      # #   #   #  
  #     ##  #### ####  #     #   #  #   #  
  ####  # # #  # #  #  #     #####  #   #  
  #     #   #### ####  #    #     # #   #  
  #     #   #    #     #    #     # #   #  ##  ##  ## 
  #     #   #### ####   ### #     # ####   ##  ##  ## 

connect failed: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden 
**Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.** 
**#0  /lib64/ [0x7f1f20c5ad70]**

Looks like the problem has been seen here before. Here egostra hints, it could be related to priority and upgrade issues. Given the amount of repos I have, that could well be. But how to resolve? I do not want to install the system from 0.

Here Dr. Heinberg gives his response when calling FreeCAD from command line. I see a difference to mine:

FreeCAD 0.19, Libs: 0.19R*23756 (Git)*
© Juergen Riegel, Werner Mayer ....

While I have “Libs: 0.19RUnknown”, he has “Libs: 0.19R23756 (Git)”. Plus I do have “connect failed: File or directory not found” AND the SGSEGV.

I believe there is an incompatible library instlallen and/or a library (0.19Rxyz) not installed. However, this should be resolved when using Yast!?! I did remove FreeCAD remove the .FreeCAD direcory and reinstalled Freecad using zypper as follows:

[FONT=monospace]zypper remove freecad 
Reading installed packages... 
'freecad' not found in package names. Trying capabilities. 
Resolving package dependencies... 

The following package is going to be REMOVED: 
1 package to remove. 
After the operation, 423.4 MiB will be freed. 
**Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): **y 
(1/1) Removing FreeCAD-0.19.4-lp153.160.1.x86_64 .....................................................................................................................[done] 
[FONT=monospace][FONT=monospace][FONT=monospace]rm -r /home/users/ck/.FreeCAD/*

[FONT=monospace]zypper in FreeCAD 
Loading repository data... 
Warning: Repository 'openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3' appears to be outdated. Consider using a different mirror or server. 
Reading installed packages... 
Resolving package dependencies... 

The following NEW package is going to be installed: 

1 new package to install. 
Overall download size: 267.8 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 423.4 MiB will be used. 
**Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): ** 
Retrieving package FreeCAD-0.19.4-lp153.160.1.x86_64                                                                                   (1/1), 267.8 MiB (423.4 MiB unpacked) 
Retrieving: FreeCAD-0.19.4-lp153.160.1.x86_64.rpm ............................................[done (4.5 MiB/s)] 

Checking for file conflicts: .............................................................................[done] 
(1/1) Installing: FreeCAD-0.19.4-lp153.160.1.x86_64 ......................................................[done]

Still same problem. Here spacelord posts very similar problem. He resolved it like this:

Then, I reinstalled the latest version of FreeCAD in the science repo. I  had to change to the version of libopencascade in that repo and  uninstall libCoin8[/FONT][FONT=monospace]0 to return to a working configuration.

Tried to do that by “zypper remove [/FONT][FONT=monospace]libopencascade7 [/FONT][FONT=monospace][FONT=monospace]libCoin80” that also removes FreeCAD and after deleting .FreeCAD and reinstalling FreeCAD I have still the very sam problem.
Don’t know wher to go from here, need help
Thanks in advance


zypper lr -d 
#  | Alias                                 | Name                                                         | Enabled   | GPG Check       | Refresh        | Priority  | Type 
  | URI                                                                                         | Serv-> 
 1 | 15.3                                  | dfaure                                                       | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                               |  
 2 | CrossToolchain:avr                    | CrossToolchain:avr                                           | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |            |  
 3 | Education                             | Education                                                    | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                    |  
 4 | SLE_15                                | SLE_15                                                       | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d | |  
 5 |$releasever | Packman Repository                                           | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   90      | rpm-m
d |                          |  
 6 |   | openSUSE:Leap:15.3                                           | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                               |  
 7 |  | home:bilson                                                  | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                               |  
 8 |  | openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3                                | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |        |  
 9 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}           | Utilities                                                    | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |               |  
10 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_1         | graphics                                                     | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                      |  
11 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_10        | gdisk                                                        | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                |  
12 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_2         | Logitech Media Server                                        | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                   |  
13 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_3         | science                                                      | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                      |  
14 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_6         | ecsos                                                        | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |      |  
15 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_7         | packagemanager                                               | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |       |  
16 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_8         | hardware                                                     | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                     |  
17 | openSUSE_Leap_15.2                    | multimedia                                                   | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                           |  
18 | openSUSE_Leap_15.2_1                  | Geo                                                          | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |             |  
19 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3                    | X11 Utilities                                                | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |               |  
20 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3_1                  | filesystems                                                  | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                                |  
21 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3_2                  | Printing                                                     | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                     |  
22 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3_3                  | QT5                                                          | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                |  
23 |               | Libdvdcss Repository                                         | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                                          |  
24 | playonlinux                           | playonlinux                                                  | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                  |  
25 | repo-backports-update                 | Update repository of openSUSE Backports                      | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                                    |  
26 | repo-non-oss                          | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Non-Oss                                   | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                           |  
27 | repo-oss                              | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss                                       | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                               |  
28 | repo-sle-update                       | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                                          |  
29 | repo-update                           | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Update                                    | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |                                          |  
30 | repo-update-non-oss                   | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Update-Non-Oss                            | Ja        | (r ) Ja         | Ja             |   99      | rpm-m
d |      

zypper ve  
Loading repository data... 
Warning: Repository 'openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3' appears to be outdated. Consider using a different mirror or server. 
Reading installed packages... 
Dependencies of all installed packages are satisfied.

According to this, all should be fine, but it is not…

The only thing I can say: do you really need this endless list of repos?

IMHO to much chance that a package is slipping through that does not fit with the rest.

I build many packages in the OBS with newer Versions and have also had an error with one newer lib.
The programm was not starting and it costs hours to get out, was the error was.

Less Repos are often more…

And /home Repos should be used carefully…

Henk and Sauerland

Thanks alot for your suggestions. It motivated me to do a clean install on a sparr elitesk 800, i5 6500 with 32 GB RAM, OS Leap 15.3. Again, KDE/Plasma, just the basic Desktop patterns installed. Updated to latest as of writing. Then installed FreeCAD 0.18.4 which comes off main repo, vendor openSuSE. Worked like a charm. It has libopencascade7 V 7.3.0 and libCOIN60 3.1.3 again all off main repo, vendor openSuSE. Works like a charm. Created a new model just containing a cube, saved it for later use.

I added science repo and subsequently FreeCAD 0.19.4-lp153.160.1 => Not working! Removed licoin80, which downgrades FreeCAD to Version 0.18.4. Starting 0.18, works, loading the simple cube model fails with following message (approximately, as it disappears after say a second):

Cannot create Object Box(usr/FreeCAD/lib/ undefined symbol _ZN19 Bspline Surface7SegmentEdddd)

Also, cannot load Part or Part Design workspace and other workspaces, as I get the very same

/usr/lib64/FreeCAD/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN19Geom_BSplineSurface7SegmentEdddd

messagebox as on the i5 4570s and the threadripper.

Moved on to revert libopencascade7 to V 7.3.[FONT=monospace]0 again, et voilá, FreeCAD Version 0.18.4 starts again, can load the previously generated cube model, change workspace from start to Part. Same story on the [FONT=monospace]i5 4570s. On the THreadripper, I just downgraded [FONT=monospace]libopencascade7 to V 7.3.[FONT=monospace]0. FreeCAD 0.18.4 starts, I can generate a new model, change to part workspace and add a cube, saveit too. But there is an errormessage in the status line saying

unhandled std::exception caught in GUIApplication::Notify
The errormessage is: no rights

This message persists on the threadripper after removing libcoin80.

My conclusions:

  1. FreeCAD 0.19.4 or libopencascade7 V 7.5.3 might be broken

  2. FreeCAD 0.18.4 does not like libopencascade7 V 7.5.3

I should mention, that I am SURE 0.19.2 really worked well before say 2 or more weeks.
What to do: Bug report?


freecad 018 is build with opencascade 7.3…

zypper se -si freecad opencas
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name            | Type    | Version           | Arch   | Repository
i+ | FreeCAD         | package | 0.18.4-bp153.1.91 | x86_64 | Main Repository
i  | libopencascade7 | package | 7.3.0-bp153.1.134 | x86_64 | Main Repository

Thanks, and really a lot/ton of thanks, please with all respect explicitly exclaimed.

My aim is to get stuff done in my day to day business. I am an engineer, do part time scientific software (C++) - only under linux. And: to me a day with something new to learn, is just a lost day.

A) However, while your reply sort of confirms what I sorted out, it does not help with FreeCAD 0.19.4 at all. Please consider: I was working with 0.19.2 for quite some time! I used the new born “tube” in part workspace so many times, that I really miss it in 0.18.4! So I am SURE before a couple of weeks 0.19.xx REALLY worked! To me your reply just implies: stick with pure stock (OS Leap 15.3) FreeCAD 0.18.xx and you’re/[might be] fine (which is exactly what I am doing for the time being). Should I be wrong at some point, kindly shed a light.

Sticking with 0.18.xx: Definitely NOT satisfying to me!

B) if ever and much better- as it brings more knowledge - , let me know what your reply was meant to tell me apart from there is something wrong in OS Leap FreeCAD 0.19.xx {that should not be}, … and that’s exactly what I can’t see that in your answer? Again, sorry, if I did not see your point.

I still think. there IS something wrong in science repo regarding FreeCAD 0.19.4xxxx.

So, I still rise my final question(s):

  1. IS OS Leap 15.3 and FeeCAD 0.19.xx stable or buggy?
  2. What are the options to ring back the god experience of FreeCAD 0.19.<=2 back?
