Free PC to Phone Call

i hope this is the right place to post. please refer me to a different site if im wrong.
i know this question has been asked a lot on the internet, but im looking for a application or some sort to make free calls from my pc to a cellphone or landline (preferably cellphone). i know there is skype and yahoo messenger but all require prepaid payment.

i found this info:
free internet phone calls

but it limits me to US and canada, and im situated in south africa.

any suggestions would be appreciated.

What about Ekiga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ?

i downloaded Ekiga and installed. still have to purchase a “call out account” in order to phone to a cell phone.

On 2010-08-21 01:08, heinstein86 wrote:
> i hope this is the right place to post. please refer me to a different
> site if im wrong.
> i know this question has been asked a lot on the internet, but im
> looking for a application or some sort to make free calls from my pc to
> a cellphone or landline (preferably cellphone). i know there is skype
> and yahoo messenger but all require prepaid payment.

Any such freebies would be a limited offer. Nobody gives nothing for nothing…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Carlos is right. It’s only logical. The infrastructure that makes a bell ring in someone’s premises has to be paid for or else the telephone company’s shareholders will sack the Board.

You don’t get ‘Owt for Nowt’
But I use voipcheap-dot-com
Have done for a few years now and over a year it costs me about 10 euro for **all **my calls

On 2010-08-21 06:06, swerdna wrote:
> Carlos is right. It’s only logical. The infrastructure that makes a bell
> ring in someone’s premises has to be paid for or else the telephone
> company’s shareholders will sack the Board.

It is possible, theoretically, in countries where local phone calls are free, to build a VoIp
network with terminators in each city where you want to place phone calls to. At minimum, it means
an internet connection, a computer or box, and a phone line (or a hundred). In reality, it means
investment. Someone could offer it free for a time so as to entice new (paying) customers.

A company that makes business across several cities could use VoIp for their internal phone calls,
with gateways of their own to the outside world on the cities where they have sites. And hire
service for the rest. It also needs investment in maintenance, though.

In the end, gratis, no. Cheaper, should be.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))