Forum stats: June

Look at all these people that posted 25 or more replies during the month of June. Much Appreciated!!!

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Wednesday, 01 Jul 2009 07:01:05 GMT
User stats from Monday, 01 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT
to Tuesday, 30 Jun 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Stats for Default
Full Name               Total Root  Reply MoAvg Thrd  RRepl NURep Grps
---------               ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
caf4926                 971   8     941   951   442   305   0     19  
Knurpht                 391   2     387   391   329   102   0     16  
syampillai              325   1     310   313   177   94    0     16  
ken yap                 304   3     301   304   172   83    0     15  
oldcpu                  323   4     289   292   140   90    0     13  
natural_pilot           270   2     266   269   171   87    0     15  
Camaleón                223   0     223   225   132   101   0     4   
microchip8              151   7     134   135   81    20    0     16  
BenderBendingRodrigu    149   6     123   124   75    25    0     14  
FeatherMonkey           127   1     123   124   69    21    0     14  
swerdna                 138   6     99    100   67    24    0     10  
consused                106   1     96    97    46    10    0     9   
Jim Henderson           94    0     94    95    29    8     0     5   
dragonbite              113   11    87    88    71    13    0     12  
Malcolm                 96    4     86    87    59    34    0     14  
deano ferrari           85    1     84    85    64    27    0     10  
Chrysantine             83    0     83    84    59    17    0     14  
baskirtcaise            96    4     82    83    48    26    0     14  
mingus725               77    0     77    78    32    10    0     1   
cjcox                   74    0     74    75    50    35    0     12  
TaraIkeda               87    4     73    74    61    13    0     10  
ijbreakey               72    0     72    73    40    15    0     7   
deltaflyer44            66    0     66    67    51    28    0     12  
mmarif4u                76    4     62    63    43    17    0     8   
GofBorg                 66    1     60    61    36    12    0     4   
Ab                      59    0     59    60    47    36    0     6   
Confuseling             77    5     57    58    54    8     0     8   
john hudson             57    1     55    56    45    19    0     11  
Larry Finger            56    0     55    56    34    21    0     7   
whych                   54    2     49    50    38    20    0     9   
recraig2                85    9     48    49    28    2     0     3   
gminnerup               68    3     47    48    31    5     0     7   
geoffro                 48    2     46    47    41    7     0     10  
srschifano              42    1     39    39    36    5     0     11  
ram88                   39    2     35    35    22    15    0     9   
Jonathan R              34    0     34    34    21    1     0     9   
hcvv                    51    1     32    32    15    6     0     7   
PV                      31    0     31    31    9     6     0     3   
Akoellh                 29    0     29    29    20    7     0     10  
maill                   29    0     29    29    19    12    0     6   
69 rs ss                31    3     28    28    30    10    0     10  
kgroneman               28    0     28    28    16    4     0     3   
Sagemta                 33    2     27    27    24    3     0     8   
JosephKK                29    1     26    26    21    5     0     3   
Supertimorplusfort      27    1     26    26    17    8     0     8   
KJ44                    25    0     25    25    19    4     0     7   

Forum specific information:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Wednesday, 01 Jul 2009 07:01:05 GMT
Forum stats from Monday, 01 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT
to Tuesday, 30 Jun 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Forum :
   Total : 3109  Root : 458   Replies : 1843  Waiting : 29    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 29    Lines : 69323 Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 2d 13:46  Average reply time : 2d 5:16
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 281 (15%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 124 (6%)
	syampillai [Default]  : 92 (4%)

Forum :
   Total : 2178  Root : 305   Replies : 1224  Waiting : 21    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 5   NoReply : 21    Lines : 52517 Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 1d 3:27  Average reply time : 1d 22:41
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 331 (27%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 103 (8%)
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 77 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 1250  Root : 180   Replies : 683   Waiting : 23    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 3   NoReply : 23    Lines : 35015 Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 2d 1:53  Average reply time : 2d 12:39
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 79 (11%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 76 (11%)
	syampillai [Default]  : 55 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 919   Root : 138   Replies : 505   Waiting : 17    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 17    Lines : 26286 Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 1d 23:08  Average reply time : 2d 10:13
   Top repliers :
	ken yap [Default]  : 78 (15%)
	Camaleón [Default]  : 57 (11%)
	syampillai [Default]  : 41 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 802   Root : 52    Replies : 664   Waiting : 8     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 8     Lines : 18360 Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 14:07  Average reply time : 23:12
   Top repliers :
	Jim Henderson [Default]  : 55 (8%)
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 45 (6%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 34 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 482   Root : 57    Replies : 262   Waiting : 5     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 5     Lines : 13288 Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 1d 12:14  Average reply time : 2d 3:45
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 76 (29%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 49 (18%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 13 (4%)

Forum :
   Total : 403   Root : 55    Replies : 238   Waiting : 11    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 11    Lines : 9046  Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 8:28  Average reply time : 2d 6:26
   Top repliers :
	Knurpht [Default]  : 32 (13%)
	consused [Default]  : 17 (7%)
	snakedriver [Default]  : 14 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 382   Root : 55    Replies : 196   Waiting : 9     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 7   NoReply : 9     Lines : 11457 Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 17:01  Average reply time : 2d 1:14
   Top repliers :
	oldcpu [Default]  : 52 (26%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 24 (12%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 16 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 381   Root : 67    Replies : 285   Waiting : 25    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 25    Lines : 8698  Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 5:41  Average reply time : 9:21
   Top repliers :
	microchip8 [Default]  : 22 (7%)
	saahne [Default]  : 19 (6%)
	syampillai [Default]  : 19 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 281   Root : 9     Replies : 254   Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 6165  Lines/msg : 21   
 Average root reply time : 1:12  Average reply time : 22:25
   Top repliers :
	Jim Henderson [Default]  : 21 (8%)
	dragonbite [Default]  : 17 (6%)
	consused [Default]  : 16 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 237   Root : 29    Replies : 111   Waiting : 6     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 6     Lines : 6646  Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 6d 15:46  Average reply time : 2d 0:03
   Top repliers :
	caf4926 [Default]  : 24 (21%)
	deltaflyer44 [Default]  : 23 (20%)
	Larry Finger [Default]  : 20 (18%)

Forum :
   Total : 190   Root : 7     Replies : 164   Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 3584  Lines/msg : 18   
 Average root reply time : 5:11  Average reply time : 4d 7:22
   Top repliers :
	Jim Henderson [Default]  : 14 (8%)
	dragonbite [Default]  : 10 (6%)
	microchip8 [Default]  : 7 (4%)

Forum :
   Total : 188   Root : 37    Replies : 101   Waiting : 9     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 9     Lines : 5545  Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 2d 0:22  Average reply time : 3d 21:30
   Top repliers :
	ken yap [Default]  : 29 (28%)
	Ab [Default]  : 11 (10%)
	syampillai [Default]  : 9 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 131   Root : 21    Replies : 85    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 3224  Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 9:04  Average reply time : 2d 21:16
   Top repliers :
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 12 (14%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 9 (10%)
	john hudson [Default]  : 7 (8%)

Forum :
   Total : 123   Root : 22    Replies : 63    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 4371  Lines/msg : 35   
 Average root reply time : 9:28  Average reply time : 1d 21:55
   Top repliers :
	whych [Default]  : 9 (14%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 8 (12%)
	Knurpht [Default]  : 7 (11%)

Forum :
   Total : 82    Root : 5     Replies : 74    Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 1681  Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 2:14  Average reply time : 11:54
   Top repliers :
	Malcolm [Default]  : 5 (6%)
	BenderBendingRodriguez [Default]  : 5 (6%)
	SLK021 [Default]  : 5 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 75    Root : 8     Replies : 55    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 1266  Lines/msg : 16   
 Average root reply time : 1:27  Average reply time : 5:15
   Top repliers :
	kgroneman [Default]  : 11 (20%)
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 9 (16%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 5 (9%)

Forum :
   Total : 43    Root : 5     Replies : 36    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 947   Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 3:25  Average reply time : 13:24
   Top repliers :
	kgroneman [Default]  : 5 (13%)
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 5 (13%)
	caf4926 [Default]  : 4 (11%)

Forum :
   Total : 41    Root : 11    Replies : 21    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 1258  Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 4:45  Average reply time : 1d 12:22
   Top repliers :
	Malcolm [Default]  : 13 (61%)
	BenderBendingRodriguez [Default]  : 4 (19%)
	RedDwarf [Default]  : 2 (9%)

Forum :
   Total : 31    Root : 2     Replies : 26    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 824   Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 5:50  Average reply time : 3d 20:43
   Top repliers :
	john hudson [Default]  : 4 (15%)
	consused [Default]  : 3 (11%)
	dragonbite [Default]  : 2 (7%)

Forum :
   Total : 24    Root : 6     Replies : 16    Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 4     Lines : 479   Lines/msg : 19   
 Average root reply time : 25m  Average reply time : 12d 11:58
   Top repliers :
	Dexter1979 [Default]  : 2 (12%)
	leecheroflife [Default]  : 2 (12%)
	ram88 [Default]  : 1 (6%)

Forum :
   Total : 23    Root : 2     Replies : 17    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 697   Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 74d 18:32  Average reply time : 32d 16:54
   Top repliers :
	doctorjohn2 [Default]  : 4 (23%)
	ioask4it [Default]  : 4 (23%)
	1michael1 [Default]  : 1 (5%)

Forum :
   Total : 12    Root : 7     Replies : 5     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 178   Lines/msg : 14   
 Average root reply time : 3:59  Average reply time : 5:22
   Top repliers :
	deltaflyer44 [Default]  : 2 (40%)
	Chrysantine [Default]  : 1 (20%)
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 1 (20%)

Forum :
   Total : 8     Root : 3     Replies : 5     Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 112   Lines/msg : 14   
 Average root reply time : 3:12  Average reply time : 3:45
   Top repliers :
	kastorff [Default]  : 2 (40%)
	oldcpu [Default]  : 1 (20%)
	natural_pilot [Default]  : 1 (20%)

Total for 24 active forums:
   Total : 11395 Root : 1541  Replies : 6933  Waiting : 179   Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 21   NoReply : 179  Remote : 11395 Lines : 280967  Lines/msg: 24   
 Average root reply time : 1d 23:53  Average reply time : 2d 3:37

…and just some miscellaneous garbage to print out and take to the bathroom for “alone time” perusal:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Wednesday, 01 Jul 2009 07:01:05 GMT
Miscellaneous stats from Monday, 01 Jun 2009 00:00:00 GMT
to Tuesday, 30 Jun 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Hourly message distribution, all messages (GMT):
 0 |**********************                                  287 ( 3%)
 1 |********************                                    268 ( 2%)
 2 |**********************                                  287 ( 3%)
 3 |**************************                              348 ( 3%)
 4 |***********************                                 307 ( 3%)
 5 |**************************                              343 ( 3%)
 6 |******************************                          400 ( 4%)
 7 |********************************                        424 ( 4%)
 8 |**********************************                      445 ( 4%)
 9 |*********************************                       430 ( 4%)
10 |***********************************                     461 ( 4%)
11 |***************************************                 516 ( 5%)
12 |**************************************                  508 ( 4%)
13 |***************************************************     679 ( 6%)
14 |*************************************************       651 ( 6%)
15 |**************************************************      657 ( 6%)
16 |*****************************************************   701 ( 6%)
17 |***************************************************     668 ( 6%)
18 |***************************************************     672 ( 6%)
19 |********************************************            585 ( 5%)
20 |*********************************************           590 ( 5%)
21 |***********************************                     457 ( 4%)
22 |******************************                          400 ( 4%)
23 |************************                                311 ( 3%)

Daily message distribution, all messages (day of month):
 1 |************************************                    368 ( 3%)
 2 |****************************************                414 ( 4%)
 3 |*************************************                   377 ( 3%)
 4 |**********************************                      344 ( 3%)
 5 |******************************                          305 ( 3%)
 6 |**************************************                  390 ( 3%)
 7 |*****************************************               420 ( 4%)
 8 |**********************************                      353 ( 3%)
 9 |*******************************************             443 ( 4%)
10 |*****************************************************   543 ( 5%)
11 |***********************************************         483 ( 4%)
12 |**************************************                  394 ( 3%)
13 |**************************************                  387 ( 3%)
14 |*******************************                         321 ( 3%)
15 |************************************                    365 ( 3%)
16 |**********************************************          467 ( 4%)
17 |******************************************              428 ( 4%)
18 |***************************************                 401 ( 4%)
19 |****************************************                407 ( 4%)
20 |******************************                          303 ( 3%)
21 |*******************************                         320 ( 3%)
22 |*****************************************               417 ( 4%)
23 |*******************************************             436 ( 4%)
24 |*********************************                       335 ( 3%)
25 |***********************************                     360 ( 3%)
26 |****************************                            291 ( 3%)
27 |*****************************                           292 ( 3%)
28 |*****************************                           293 ( 3%)
29 |*****************************************               420 ( 4%)
30 |*******************************                         318 ( 3%)

Weekday message distribution, all messages (1=Monday...7=Sunday):
 7 |***********************************                    1354 (12%)
 1 |*************************************************      1923 (17%)
 2 |*****************************************************  2078 (18%)
 3 |*******************************************            1683 (15%)
 4 |*****************************************              1588 (14%)
 5 |************************************                   1397 (12%)
 6 |***********************************                    1372 (12%)

Crumbs. I need to get a life.:wink:

Ok. Let’s trade then.

Actually, I’m surprised I made it. 34 posts though. I really need to get more involved. The short time I was with fedora (about a month) I did about 100 posts. Give or take. They had a kernel upgrade, and it broke X and I was fixing it.

btw, send some of those crumbs to me.

Wow! 14th place?! That’s a move up from before!

YOU DO!!! Your posting around ten to my one LOL!

I’ve been busy with other stuff :wink: Building a Hall Tree, busy with our
Son, enjoying summer and unfortunately a family tragedy :frowning:

Oh and as always, thanks for the stats Kim :slight_smile:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 5 days 7:26, 2 users, load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.06
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - Driver Version: 185.18.14

Take a lot of valerian with warm milk at 10pm (and at 11pm again, and 12 pm …etc)

Maybe pay more attention to the missus? :idea:

Now that’s just crazy talk! :wink:

looks over shoulder to see if wife is behind him

Curious, what’s the overall post counts trend for say the past year or so? Increasing? Decreasing? Where? etc. I am wondering if there is a seasonal rise or lowering of posts and possibly why (more or fewer posts after another distro release, more or fewer posts after an openSUSE release, KDE update, Gnome update, season, etc.)

Or if this could be placed in a table, then I can run the queries myself.+

My thoughts exactly

Yes. I already take prescribed solutions to my insomnia - without success.

I’m, still not sure what all these stats mean. But I do know my green lights keep lighting up:O

Oh, and I forgot in all the mayhem of last nights glitchy forum: Thanks Kim.

I made the list! I always thought I was too dumb, feels good.

I missed the forum stats from May and I can’t find it with search. :sarcastic:
Can you post the link? :slight_smile:

> Wow!
> I made the list! I always thought I was too dumb, feels good.

actually, smarts has nothing to do with it…that is, the least smart
but still persistent noob could easily take the top spot just by
asking all the same questions over again, over again, over again,
and never discovering or making use of any of:

imHo bottom line: there should be no race to see who can capture the
top spot! i reckon i more highly regard that person with one helpful
post to the person with 1000 which didn’t contribute anything to the
cause of free and open software…


careful: Sagemta, my commentary was not intended to, nor should anyone
read it as saying anything about your helpfulness here!


Er, your life is here! ((-:

I missed the forum stats from May and I can’t find it with search.
Can you post the link?

Here you go:

Who contributed in MAY? - openSUSE Forums

Originally Posted by caf4926 View Post
Crumbs. I need to get a life.

One man’s insomnia/addiction problem is another man’s solution :slight_smile:

Maybe he could try a Seven Percent Solution. :wink:

Wow, what a tricky title. The search won’t find the keyword MAY | May in the titles.

Not worth it, I’ve been doing it for the past few months and it’s not working out very well :cry: