format live KDE cd

OK how do I format a hard drive with opensuse 13.2 live KDE CD only?

On 2014-12-10 05:46, gamergoat89 wrote:
> Hi,
> OK how do I format a hard drive with opensuse 13.2 live KDE CD only?

yast partitioner module?


Guessing at your meaning here…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

I tried to while on desktop with partitioner and gparted to unmount the partition and delete partition but it wouldnt let me. When I try to install opensuse theres some errors so I’m trying to use opensuse 13.2 live KDE to format the hard drive in terminal somehow. (Theres a windows partitioninstalled on hard drive) Can anyone help me out?

On 2014-12-10 06:26, gamergoat89 wrote:
> I tried to while on desktop with partitioner and gparted to unmount the
> partition and delete partition but it wouldnt let me. When I try to
> install opensuse theres some errors so I’m trying to use opensuse 13.2
> live KDE to format the hard drive in terminal somehow. (Theres a windows
> partitioninstalled on hard drive) Can anyone help me out?

I’m sorry, I do not understand what you say. Please try again in more

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

What are the directions to formatting a hard drive in terminal.
Booting from the opens use 13.2 Live KDE CD?
How to format with opensuse Live CD.

You do not need to format from the terminal.

Simply, load KDE, go to the menu (green ball in the tray), go to the Computer tab, click on Yast.

In there, under the System group, you will find Partitioner.

However, not sure if this is what you should be doing, because you seem a bit lost and a bit hasty.

You say that when you try to install, you get some errors.

Maybe what you should really be doing is asking for someone to guide you through the install step-by-step, helping you deal with the errors appropriately.

You can download and create a boot CD with Partition Magic on it (Probably best to locate the Hiren’s Boot CD and burn that, where you will find one of the options is the Partition Magic system.). You can then use it to do set your partitions up ahead of time.

But, since you are running Windows, it would be best to know what version of Windows you have, so the proper install procedures can be followed to allow the two Operating Systems to co-exist as a dual-boot system.

It is also important to know if the PC you are installing on is UEFI or not, makes a big difference.:wink:

On 2014-12-10 07:46, gamergoat89 wrote:
> What are the directions to formatting a hard drive in terminal.
> Booting from the opens use 13.2 Live KDE CD?
> How to format with opensuse Live CD.

If you are accustomed to Windows, and not to Linux command line, I would
not recommend you do a dangerous operation such as formatting a drive on
the terminal.

I would recommend use the 13.2 XFCE rescue image, placed on a USB stick,
which is a nice live system for special ops. Once booted, I would start
“gparted” as root, which is a graphical partitioner and formater tool,
which should be sufficiently nice and easy.

The technique on the terminal is not a single tool. First you have to
adequately partition the drive, then you have to initialize each
filesystem. There are several tools, and the choices depend on partition
type and filesystem selected, and there are a myriad options to choose from.

I would not recommend that except to the initiated, or under very
precise instructions, which require first precise specs (from you) about
what exactly needs to be done, where, what for, etc.

For instance, perhaps what you want is to blank the disk prior to
install a new system. In that case, the program to use is another one.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

However, as Fraser says, maybe you should ask us for installation
guidance instead?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)