Flash 10 ?

When will they deploy Flash 10 as an update to openSuse 11 (64 bit in my case)?

I want to get better full screen performance!

I have no idea

But my flash from current updates is just fine full screen

This is a nice site (SUSE & openSUSE tutorials,howtos,tips,tricks, troublehooting) that has an article about installing flash 10:


jbailo wrote:
> This is a nice site (‘SUSE & openSUSE tutorials,howtos,tips,tricks,
> troublehooting’ (http://www.susegeek.com)) that has an article about
> installing flash 10:
> http://tinyurl.com/67h2hq
Is there any way to get flash 10 working under x64?


It’s been posted here before:

  1. Leave flash-player version 9 installed on the system.
  2. Download flash-plugin- from adobe here
  3. Install the plugin with Yast.
  4. As root, rename the file /usr/lib/browser-plugins/libflashplayer.so.
    a) in a console cd /usr/lib/browser-plugins/
    b) then sudo mv libflashplayer.so libflashplayer.so-old
  5. Create the symbolic link:
    ln -s /usr/lib/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so ./libflashplayer.so
  6. Restart Firefox.
