Firewall setup?

Can anyone give me some help with setting up the opensuse firewall. Is there an easy way to set it up, or do you have to go through and set everything one at a time? I was a long time mandriva user, but got tired of all the bugs that kept popping up and would have to reinstall mandriva time and time again. I like opensuse, I am just new to it. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

By default - after install it is up and running and doing everything you need.

Other than maybe having to open ports for a specific purpose - nothing to do!

It was off after I installed opensuse and when I went in to turn it on, it wanted me to configure every port, pop account, gateway, etc…
Is that normal?
Or do I need to configure all ports?

Tell us more about your install.

Where did you get the install media?
Did you just use the default Installation?

In Yast - Security - Firewall
It’s a simple as Enable / Disable

OS Information
OS: Linux x86_64
Current user: greg
System: openSUSE 11.0 (x86_64)
KDE: 4.0.4 (KDE 4.0.4 >= 20080505) “release 15.2”
I did the default install. That is about all I can tell you. I downloaded from one of the mirrors
listed from this site. The 4.4 GB DVD install download. Checked the md5 and let her rip.

So. It should be- When you go to:Yast - Security - Firewall

The Page shows a Radio Button to:‘Enable Firewall Automatic Starting’?

and Start Firewall is Greyed out?

or is it different?

That’s very strange, indeed, since the firewall should be enabled by default. I remember a dialog in either 11.0 or 10.3 that asked whether or not you wanted to open the SSH port, even (how thoughtful of them). :wink:

Let me turn it on and I will see what happens.
Will let you know. Thanks for your help.

What we are saying is:

It should already be turned ON - by default

Unless you have done something you don’t know about and were not aware of and didn’t think about and were oblivious!

Were there any communications style applications that you were concerned about?