Firefox Update out of date

When I use Yast2 or OpenSuse Updater applet I get a no Firefox update recommendation but I am on 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 has been on
for a couple of weeeks…
Is this going to be resolved soon? Is this usual for major 3rd party apps? If I manually install this package will opensuse recognise this or will I have 2 installed at the same time and/or recommendtion to downgrade in the update applet?
Matt O’Connell

This is the mozilla repo you need
remove any other

Index of /repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.0

caf4926 wrote:

> This is the mozilla repo you need
> remove any other
> ‘Index of /repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.0’
> (

Usually if the new Mozilla/openSUSE build has something that effects SUSE or Linux in general that is the only time it will show up as a update though YOU or zypper up. If this is not the case then the only way to get the newer version is to upgrade using the build from the build service. If you think that it should be updated through the update system you are always more then welcome to ask someone maintaining the SUSE build of Firefox or open a bug report for it in Novell’s bugzilla, but there is not point in fixing a problem that does not exist.

“We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than only freedom can make security more secure.” Karl Popper

Cheers caf4926, added the repo and it eventually worked :wink:
Vendion…I understand why you think it should only update if it impacts on the linux user (to avoid unnecessary updates) but this gives rise to the problem of novice user thinking they are getting a out of date App on their linux partition.If this happens with too many apps then they’re migrating back to MS because they wrongly think we’re behind the times…>:( also it means someone has to sift through the bug fixes and confirm none apply to linux…bit of a dull job…I think this should always update and screw the bandwidth…

moconnell wrote:

> Cheers caf4926, added the repo and it eventually worked :wink:
> Vendion…I understand why you think it should only update if it impacts
> on the linux user (to avoid unnecessary updates) but this gives rise to
> the problem of novice user thinking they are getting a out of date App
> on their linux partition.If this happens with too many apps then they’re
> migrating back to MS because they wrongly think we’re behind the
> times…>:( also it means someone has to sift through the bug fixes and
> confirm none apply to linux…bit of a dull job…I think this should
> always update and screw the bandwidth…

There are several people on dail-up connections and having pointless updates is a waste of what little bandwidth that they do have. Even though you may think that it is boring some people like to do it anyways, just like there is people that like to look though the program code to see if they can find any problems in the first place. A lot of people in the Linux community don’t do what they do (no matter if it is studying code/change logs, submitting patches, taking part in helping other) because they have to, but because they want to. Even if it means being several versions behind mainstream as long as the programs works and someone is supporting it then I vote stability over bleeding edge any day.

“We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than only freedom can make security more secure.” Karl Popper

Fair enough Vendion I guess I’m spoilt with my broadband here in the city… I am just giving feedback as I’m coming back to Suse after a period of absence. Before I could never get my wireless adapter to work even using ndis-wrapper…lucky some suse people have done the work to get it working!