Firefox Scrolling Problem

Hi all
I am on KDE4 on suse11.2
Manytimes when I scroll down on firefox it slows down and the text appears jumbled on a page.When I scroll up again and then down,the text appears ok.I have tried to look for the linux but not successful on inspiron 1545 with intel intergrated 4500MHD

sounds like a graphics card problem to me…

complicated by the fact that the the javascript engine just plain
chokes on the javascript delivered by some web sites…

and, it is my experience that running Flash makes the scroll problems
even worse

unfortunately, at the present time Intel graphics doesn’t have a
really great driver and well…you can read up on that…

you might have a better experience if you turn off desktop effects…
and, disable java script…
and don’t play flash…
what a wonderful day that will be huh?

or, you could use all of those things and just accept the less than
wonderful scrolling jumbled text…

or, you could try Opera, Konqueror, lynx, links or one of the others:

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

On 2010-07-30 20:06, snif123 wrote:

> For the firefox,I have not found the
> driver yet cos the dell manufac.provides the windows ones on a
> dell 1545 with integrated intel hd4500 video.

There are no manufacturer drivers for intel video, because the are natively integrated in linux.

You only find them for nvidia or ati cards, and then, not from the computer makers, but from those
two companies.

I have a laptop with intel video (GM45), and I have no issue at all with firefox, nor with javscript
not with flash. It of course slower than an nvidia card, but it works perfect. At least in 11.2 it does.

> Manytimes when I scroll down on firefox it slows down and the text
> appears jumbled on a page.When I scroll up again and then down,the text
> appears ok.

Any particular web page, or all?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Thanks all
Yea Carlos its all pages even this one!have tried to change firefox options,i have checked autoscrolling and unchecked smooth scrolling but notta!

On 2010-07-31 02:06, snif123 wrote:
> Thanks all
> Yea Carlos its all pages even this one!have tried to change firefox
> options,i have checked autoscrolling and unchecked smooth scrolling but
> notta!

Try creating a new user, and browse with that one.

Try using a different browser. Firefox or mozilla (a bit different each one), or the one native to
your desktop.

Try a live cd of 11.1 or 11.3 (don’t install, just try browse)

Javscript is native to each browser, isn’t it? the jave engine you can change for another. Which
flash are you using, the proprietary or the experimental open one?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))