Firefox scrolling prob?

Gentlemen, I have Ff 3.6.6 64 bit as my browser. When I scroll the page I place the mouse pointer on the moving bar and drag it down, or up as the case may be!
But, with this version of Ff , ( never seen it before ) when the mouse pointer gets to within
a half inch ( 12mm ) off the bottom, the next page loads and before I can look at the last part of the page the next page jumps onto the screen.
I find it somewhat annoying and would appreciate any help .


dened wrote:
> the next page loads and before I can look at the last part of the
> page the next page jumps onto the screen.

wow…that is kinda cool–yes kinda frustrating, but pretty cool
since i wonder just how it knows what the “next page” is supposed to
be?? i mean, if you go to this page what does
it jump to before you can read “Site Map” at the very bottom of the

ah–you don’t happen to be scrolling a pdf inside FF, are you?

if so, see if next time tell FF to NOT open it inside the browser, and
instead pick one of the other two options…do the other options also
jump ahead?

and, log a bugzilla see here:

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

DenverD, No PDF was involved. The nytimes site works perfect, no unrequested scrolling. I’ll wait and see if someone else can tell me what is wrong before submitting a Bug report.

Update: I have played with this and discovered that it only happens on a couple of sites. It also only happens with Suse/Firefox. I switched over to my Vista part and tried it, all is good there.
When I try any Newspaper site it doesn’t happen. The sites it occurs on are sites with multiple pages. i.e. Uk hot deals and David Icke.
When I get to within a half inch of the bottom a small box appears which says "loading next page " and then the next page loads.

dened wrote:
> Update: I have played with this and discovered that it only happens on a
> couple of sites.

sounds like a maybe a site specific java script problem…

or maybe you installed an add on that ‘sees’ the “next” and does it ??

try disabling your add-ons one at a time, beginning with all of those
you have on Linux but not on Vista, and after that all on Linux
beginning with the one you last installed and working backward…

if that it is, maybe there is a setup in that add on which you can
turn off…

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

You nailed it! I had Fasterfox add-on installed. Thankyou very much.

I would like to ask a question re-Tar.gz files. Can I tack it onto this thread?

dened wrote:
> Thankyou very much.


> I would like to ask a question re-Tar.gz files. Can I tack it onto this
> thread?

no, you should not tack it here…instead, either start a new
thread…or better yet, i bet you question has been asked/answered
before and the forum advanced search page will help you find it…or,
use the site specifier at google to, for example:

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

Ok thanks. I will start a new thread because I doubt this question has been asked.