I am having to work on my laptop interactively on website and am having trouble scrolling slowly down the page. Using arrow keys or PgUp and PgDn do not work and all I can do is put cursor on scroll bar, hold left button and slide with Thinkpad red button but the movement is just too great tends to jump pages at a time. Impossible to work like this. Any known issues on how to fix?
First off, you didn’t mention which DE you’re using. That’s important.
Also, have you compared the behavior with other browsers? FF seems, at times, to be somewhat problematic on TW. No mention of the FF version either.
You also did not mention if the erratic behavior happened after a recent update (zypper dup). (?)
You could install the Flatpak version of FF via Discover to compare. We’ve found it to be more reliable. (Both installs can exist without interfering with each other).
My bad. Running KDE desktop as installed from original installation
I am running FF 128.0.3 (64bit) from repo. Cannot relate my experience to any update
I can try the Flatpak and report later.
Thanks for the reply.
In Firefox Settings, in the General section, near the bottom in the Browsing area, check the box for “Always use the cursor keys to navigate within pages” and see what that does.
If no improvement, you would probably be better off with an external mouse with a scroll wheel. Basic ones are available for $10 to $15.
From your description, I take it the ThinkPad has no touchpad.
Thanks for the additional comments,
ThinkPad does have touchpad but I have had to disable it because my hand interferes with it when using the button which habitually I have always used.
I shall continue to experiment with options, just finding it difficult with what I am doing at the moment which requires lots of scrolling up and down several pages. In present location mouse seems like a possible option so will try.
I have tried using my other Thinkpad laptop and that machine works as expected and I can use the up and down arrows to scroll the pages on web pages.
Looking at System Settings > Mouse and Touchpad > Touchpad is blank. No settings at all.
Trying some other settings I get
Error loading QML file
Playing around with other settings and I can sometimes get back and have Touchpad working.
I have the setting disable when typing but so far I have not been able to scroll in web page.
I recall a setting for disabling when mouse is connected but at present the Touchpad setting is empty.
Any ideas please?
What model ThinkPad is giving trouble, and what year is it?
The one I am typing on is a W530 and the other is a T530. Both about 8 years I would guess.
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