Firefox extension/addon install won't finish

Hi there,

Been trying everything I can think of to fix this.

I have tried installing Foxtrick both by clickint the online .xpi and by downloading and dragging it into Firefox. Both as super user and user. Super user can install it but user can’t. If I install as super user, only firefox started as super user will have the plugin working.

User gets stuck with the “FoxTrick has been installed blah blah please restart” message. No matter how many times I restart. Following directions at Extension not installed after restarting the tools -> Extensions window now tells me FoxTrick is installed. But it does not appear to be at all and I can’t open it’s preferences.

I have plenty of other extensions installed working just fine. This is an extension for an online game but I figure the issue could be identical in other addons?


Can’t believe it but it just worked out for me. Guess posting the question does the trick magically?

Went in and added some permissions in /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default/extensions and /.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default/foxtrick as well. Then ran auto update and restarted Firefox.