Firefox does not start today

Firefox v44.0.2 will not start today. It worked fine yesterday. (I am using Opera at the moment.)

One thing I looked at yesterday was adding firefox to AppArmor. I could not figure out how it worked and thought that I had canceled my efforts; perhaps not.

$ firefox &
[1] 7112
jmoe:/home/jmoe> /usr/bin/firefox: line 52: /usr/bin/basename: Permission denied
/usr/bin/firefox: line 73: /usr/bin/file: Permission denied
/usr/bin/firefox: line 75: /usr/bin/grep: Permission denied
/usr/bin/firefox: line 139: /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox: Permission denied
/usr/bin/firefox: line 139: /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox: Success
[1]+  Exit 126                firefox

What permission is needed?
Line 52 is:
cmdname=basename $0
The other “Permission denied” lines are similar.

There is no problem using these utilities from the command line. For instance:

$  /usr/bin/basename /usr/bin/firefox

$ ll /usr/bin/firefox*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Feb 19 04:35 /usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib64/firefox/*
$ ll /usr/lib64/firefox/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.2K Feb 16 11:35 /usr/lib64/firefox/*

I can start firefox directly:

$ /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox &
[1] 7769
(firefox:7769): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory  of theme oxygen has no size field
AlarmService: init()
AlarmService: _restoreAlarmsFromDb()
AlarmService: add(Wed Mar 16 2016 12:19:50 GMT-0700 (MST))
AlarmService: Callback after getting alarms from database: ]
AlarmService: Current alarm: null
AlarmService: Alarm queue: ]
AlarmService: Callback after adding alarm in database.
AlarmService: Current alarm: {"date":"2016-03-16T19:19:50.605Z","ignoreTimezone":true,"timezoneOffset":420,"id":1619}
AlarmService: Alarm queue: ]

from what repo did you install firefox from

zypper se -se firefox

post your repo list

zypper lr -d

there was a security update for firefox from the update repo I updated and had no issues.

There should have been no updates since last Friday (11-Mar-2016). I perform updates once a week.

$ zypper se firefox
 S | Name                               | Type        | Version     | Arch   | Repository               
i | Firefox                            | application |             | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)    
i | Firefox                            | application |             | noarch | Main Update Repository   
i | Firefox                            | application |             | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
i | Firefox                            | application |             | noarch | openSUSE-42.1-0          
i | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
i | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
v | MozillaFirefox                     | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-42.1-0          
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 44.0.2-15.2 | noarch | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 44.0.2-15.2 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 44.0-12.2   | noarch | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 44.0-12.2   | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 43.0.3-9.2  | noarch | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 43.0.3-9.2  | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 43.0-6.1    | noarch | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 43.0-6.1    | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 42.0-3.5    | noarch | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox                     | srcpackage  | 42.0-3.5    | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
i | MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE   | package     | 40-5.1      | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
i | MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE   | package     | 40-5.1      | x86_64 | openSUSE-42.1-0          
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream   | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols        | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-devel               | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-common | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-42.1-0          
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 44.0.2-15.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 44.0-12.2   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 43.0.3-9.2  | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 43.0-6.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | Main Update Repository   
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 42.0-3.5    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update
  | MozillaFirefox-translations-other  | package     | 41.0.2-1.2  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)    
  | mhtml-firefox                      | package     | 0.5-26.2    | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)    

$  zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                               | Name                                    | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                     | Service
 1 | PackMan                             | PackMan                                 | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |    |        
 2 | PackMan_13.2                        | PackMan 13.2                            | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |         |        
 3 |       | Main Repository (NON-OSS)               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |       |        
 4 |     | Update Repository (Non-Oss)             | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                  |        
 5 |           | Main Repository (OSS)                   | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |           |        
 6 |         | Main Update Repository                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                       |        
 7 | | openSUSE:13.2                           | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |                |        
 8 | | openSUSE:13.2                           | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |                |        
 9 | openSUSE-42.1-0                     | openSUSE-42.1-0                         | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No      |   99     | yast2  | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ATAPI_iHBS112_2_2512012_316113500581 |        
10 | repo-debug                          | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Debug                | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |     |        
11 | repo-debug-non-oss                  | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Debug-Non-Oss        | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | |        
12 | repo-debug-update                   | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Debug         | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |                 |        
13 | repo-debug-update-non-oss           | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Debug-Non-Oss | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |            |        
14 | repo-source                         | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Source               | No      | ----      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |    |        
15 | repo-update                         | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                      |        

Firefox is up to 45 from the update repo, you probably have an incomplete update

linux:~> zypper se -si firefox
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                             | Type        | Version   | Arch   | Repository                                      
i | Firefox                          | application |           | noarch | Online updates for openSUSE Leap:42.1 (standard)
i | Firefox                          | application |           | noarch | openSUSE-leap/42.1-0                            
i | MozillaFirefox                   | package     | 45.0-18.1 | x86_64 | Online updates for openSUSE Leap:42.1 (standard)
i | MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE | package     | 40-5.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-leap/42.1-0                            
i | mhtml-firefox                    | package     | 0.5-26.2  | noarch | openSUSE-leap/42.1-0                            

you also have a couple of 13.2 repo’s they might be disabled but you might have some mixed packages, you should remove 2 7 8 9 too as it’s not needed after install and then run zypper dup with the 42.1 update repo

sudo zypper rr 2 7 8 9
sudo zypper dup --from 11 --from 1

15 will become 11 after you remove 4 bad repo’s
add --from 1 to keep packman working as the update repo has multimedia packages that break packman

Please do not oversee the fact that he reported that he played with Apparmor.

I ran a system update. It included that update of Firefox to v45.0. It made no difference.

I suspect that the toying with AppArmor has cause the problem. Although I have no clue how that may have happened. What should I inspect?

I’ve never used apparmor, and strangely enough when I try to launch manage existing profiles apparmor crashes on me lol
I’d suggest starting apparmor go to manage existing profiles and remove a profile that has Firefox in it
or if that crashes on you go to Settings -> Configure and toggle the Firefox profile (if it exists)

I opened AppArmor, found an entry for </usr/lib64/firefox/>. Deleted it.

Firefox runs normally now.