Firefox 5.01 and flash player


I have one problem when I try to connect to the next website: LEGO Club: Homepage

The flash animation is not correct, it fails, images are cut.

This is available also with a version 4.01 of firefox.

As this website is used by my children, I use the version 3.6.18 of Firefox.

Have you got one idea of this problem ?


You did not indicate if you are using 32 or 64 bit openSUSE. You did not indicate what version of Flash that you are using.

To get version 10.3 d162 64 bit, there is a script file that you can use:


#: Title       : /home/james/bin/flash64
#: Date Created: Fri Jun 10 16:33:27 CDT 2011
#: Last Edit   : Fri Jun 10 16:33:27 CDT 2011
#: Author      : J. McDaniel
#: Version     : 1.00
#: Description : Download and install 64 bit flash version
#: Options     : None


function enter_prompt {
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  echo -n "$1$(tput sgr0)"
  read CHOICE

tput clear
echo "Flash 64 - Update your Flash Player to 64 Bit - This will remove your old 32 Bit version!!!"
enter_prompt "Do you wish to remove your old flash player file and install a new 64 bit version? (y/N)"

if  $CHOICE == [Yy] ]] ; then

  cd ~/Downloads

  wget -nc$getfile

  tar -xzvf $getfile

  if  ! -e "" ] ; then
    echo "The flash player file, was not found!"
    exit 1
    sudo zypper rm pullin-flash-player flash-player nspluginwrapper
    sudo cp ~/Downloads/ /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/ 

  enter_prompt "Would you like to go online, enter a contest and test your Flash at the same time? (y/N)"

  if  $CHOICE == [Yy] ]] ; then
    /usr/bin/dbus-launch firefox


echo "64 Bit Flash Installation is complete..."

exit 0

To use this bash script file, copy and past the text inside the Code field into a text editor (like Kwrite) and save it as the file flash64 into your /home bin folder as in /home/username/bin/flash64 (~/bin/flash64). The file must be marked executable in order to be used with the terminal command:

chmod +x ~/bin/flash64

To run the script, open a terminal session and run the terminal command:


Thank You,

On 06/27/2011 11:06 PM, eric1111 wrote:
> The flash animation is not correct, it fails, images are cut.

Hej Eric…i’ve just been to the URL you gave and played a game or two,
and saw none of the problems you mention, so i must assume a setup
problem there…

so, i guess my friend in Austin will lead you to a smile…

but, why not go ahead and mention which version of openSUSE you are
using, and which desktop environment…it might make a difference…i
hope you are using an 11.x version, because i don’t believe the zypper
commands in his script will work with 10.x versions…



sorry for the lack of informations;
I use Opens Suse 11.4 with a kernel
I use a 64 bits version.
My flash player version is


Hello jdmcdaniel3,

I try your script and nothing change.
I cannot understand the problem.


On 06/28/2011 09:36 PM, eric1111 wrote:
> Hello,
> sorry for the lack of informations;
> I use Opens Suse 11.4 with a kernel
> I use a 64 bits version.
> My flash player version is
> Regards,

ok, so except for you using 64 and me 32, it should “just work”…

hmmmm…my Flash is i wonder if the difference is
because mine is 32…OR, i wonder if you have been allowing packagekit
to do your updates?

(please use YaST Online Update until packagekit is working right)

so, i wouldn’t know what else to do except:

-maybe use YaST to remove and then reinstall Flash (maybe something got

-maybe, try a different browser (which are you using)

-maybe, install the proprietary graphics driver if you are have an ATI
or nVidia card (what is your graphics setup and driver)

-maybe you have pulled in software from more than the basic four repos?
and so have software which doesn’t work well together

-maybe you have pulled in software from Tumbleweed, factory, playground
or unstable repos ?

-maybe you have experienced freezes, crashes, power outages and one of
those, or aging disk problems are causing code on your drive to get
jumbled ? how old is your system…is it a laptop, supercomputer or what?

did this problem begin just lately? could it be heat related…is the
room the computer is in is suddenly relatively warmer than usual? have
you emptied the chicken bones and feathers out of the machine lately?

grasping at straws here.


Hello jdmcdaniel3,

I try your script and nothing change.
I cannot understand the problem.

Regards, is the version I see in YaST, which you could uninstall BEFORE you run my script or uninstall and then run my script a second time. Don’t forget to exit and restart Firefox to see the change to the new version take place. You may also want to double check your multimedia setup with the bash script mmcheck you can find here in message #75:

MMCHECK - Check Your Multimedia in 10 Steps - Script File, as proposed by RedDwarf - Page 8

Thank You,

try this

open terminal.

su -
zypper rm flash

(continue through this, then)

zypper in flash

that executed a reinstall


I don’t know if my problem can be marked as solved.
I install the i586 version and there is no problem (of firefox and flashplayer)

So perhaps, the problem comes from the npluginwrapper or not ?

If you have got some idea, you can share it !!!

From my experience flashplayer is much more problematic in the 64bit world. This is one of the reasons why I use a 32bit system on my laptop :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Then my problematic _64 system is doing well in having no issue whatsoever.

The real source of the problem rests in the hands of the flash developers, who focus their energies on windows OS’s, where _64 support is in it’s infancy. And really they tend to push the messy approach of using nspluginwrapper, rather than doing some dedicated work on proper _64 support.
The day flash is dead and buried will be a good one indeed. (We can hope can’t we!)

+1 but unfortunately I don’t see flash dying anytime soon in the future.

Best regards,

On 07/13/2011 05:36 AM, caf4926 wrote:
> The day flash is dead and buried will be a good one indeed. (We can
> hope can’t we!)

the last ‘update’ to come though YOU i had to backlevel within 12 hours
because the PIG had just gotten worse!


openSUSE®, the BMW® of operating systems!


I have solve the problem by upgrading the nspluginwrapper version 1.4.4.

This software is one software test.

This update can be found at this location: Download nspluginwrapper
