firefox 4.0b7pre

for a while i’ve been using FF from the mozilla beta repos (Index of /repositories/mozilla:/beta), but one of the new features, “panorama,” didn’t used to work on my install (oS 11.3, KDE 4.5.2). no crash or error, just nothing happened when clicking on view->tab groups (ctrl + e).

i didn’t mind since this is pre-release and i figured it would work out eventually. it does now, after the latest upgrade of FF beta from 4.0b5 to 4.0b7, which (for my mirror) happened today.

it’s a pretty neat feature where one can have different groups of tabs open and switch between them; similar to having several browser windows with different tabs open, but all inside the same FF instance.

otherwise this FF beta is stable, haven’t experienced a single crash yet. many add-ons aren’t compatible yet, but adblock+, FF sync, and openSUSE extensions do work.


you bring good news, but to the wrong place, as all discussion of beta
software should be in our forum for that purpose (so that other beta
testers and easily find the chat), here:

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

A week ago i posted this in chit-chat sub forum about** beta 8 pre** tagged as Minefield.
Tab Candy (Panorama) in Firefox4

Well ATM i am using it from nightly builds, and have no issues. Plugins are working nicely, except some glitches for flash on some sites. Other than that its quite stable.

@DenverD: you’re right, of course, but i thought i’d seen (and participated in) discussions about pre-release nvidia and kernel things in this forum, so i posted here w/o thinking of the beta forums…sorry. since there’s a couple of replies already i can’t just take out my post and put it into the right place; admin could do this if it’s considered important enough though.

@mmarif4u: i tried the nightly builds too, but while ‘panorama’ was working, i couldn’t get flash to play on any site and therefore dropped back to beta. plus this one feels more stable than the nighlty builds i used to try.

edit: plus openSUSE integration works on this one, as opposed to the nightly builds.


You can now also do “tabs on top”. If I remember correctly, you right click on the top bar where you’d normally click to “customize” and it’s in the popup menu.

Did you copy the plugins from /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/ and paste it in the firefox folder(create new folder with name plugins in firefox folder and paste plugins there). Now close FF and start.
This way firefox will detect all the plugins you used for the previous version.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:36:01 +0530, mmarif4u
<> wrote:

> phanisvara;2239958 Wrote:
>> @mmarif4u: i tried the nightly builds too, but while ‘panorama’ was
>> working, i couldn’t get flash to play on any site and therefore
>> dropped back to beta. plus this one feels more stable than the nighlty
>> builds i used to try.
>> –
>> phani.
> Did you copy the plugins from /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/ and paste it
> in the firefox folder(create new folder with name plugins in firefox
> folder and paste plugins there). Now close FF and start.
> This way firefox will detect all the plugins you used for the previous
> version.

i thought i did, but when i tried just now, with today’s nightly build,
plugins incl. flash, do work after sticking a “plugin” folder with
symlinks to the plugins into the FF folder; must have made a typo when i
tried last time. thank you for making me try again!

even openSUSE FF extensions & adblock extensions are accepted. still,
there isn’t much difference between 4.0b7 & 4.0b8, so for now i’ll stick
to the beta version from the repos; updating happens during zypper up w/o
any extra endeavor.


NNTP users: I will be moving this thread to Prerelease-Beta in approx. 10 minutes