Firefox 3 download record

Don’t forget, today (Tuesday) is Firefox 3 release day. Help them achieve a Guinness Book record for the most downloaded software in 24 hours by getting a copy of Firefox 3. Most people would wait for the OpenSUSE package, but a lot of us have other machines to run Firefox 3 on: PCs, Macs. Watch this site:

Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable

it is still monday here but will tomorrow

Tuesday UCT 9.10 - not yet available for download :frowning: I’ve subscribed to their e-mail so ill know when it is! I’ll try to shove it up here too.

Spread Firefox | Download Day 2008

Nownow, you can’t blame them for not bothering to think there’s a world outside USA :wink:

ken yap wrote:

> Don’t forget, today (Tuesday) is Firefox 3 release day. Help them
> achieve a Guinness Book record for the most downloaded software in 24
> hours by getting a copy of Firefox 3. Most people would wait for the
> OpenSUSE package, but a lot of us have other machines to run Firefox 3
> on: PCs, Macs. Watch this site:
> ‘Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable’
> (
I have subscribed to it as well and will do the needful.

Will the release have those new slick looking themes I have seen people working on?

It will have tango and blend in with gtk, if you use the gtk-qt-engine, it will blend in with qt

tompickles wrote:

> Tuesday UCT 9.10 - not yet available for download :frowning: I’ve subscribed to
> their e-mail so ill know when it is! I’ll try to shove it up here too.
> ‘Spread Firefox | Download Day 2008’
> (

Should be available from 1700GMT.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy.
“What use is happiness? It can’t buy you money.” [Chic Murray, 1919-85]

Some entertainment while we wait (link from Linux and Open Source Blog):
Microsoft Abandons Internet Explorer 8 Development for Firefox 3

Well… it’s here people!!

Start your download engines please! :slight_smile:


Downloaded it 2x already: 1x at home, 1x at work. I will try to convince some colleagues to install it as well (some already have FF2). The servers were very slow the first 2 hours or so, I couldn’t get in and my first download was corrupt.

Now it’s running fine it seems.

You can follow the download status live here


Graham P Davis wrote:
> tompickles wrote:
>> Tuesday UCT 9.10 - not yet available for download :frowning: I’ve subscribed to
>> their e-mail so ill know when it is! I’ll try to shove it up here too.
>> ‘Spread Firefox | Download Day 2008’
>> (
> Should be available from 1700GMT.

i got mine but can’t find ONE WORD on how to install it on my SuSE 10.3!

it comes in a *tar.bz2, in which i expected to find the source to
compile/install OR an rpm…instead, it kinda looks like a ready to
run executable…so, how am i supposed to install that??



I see the cool theme on my windows install at work, but not on my opensuse 11.0 RC1 installation at home (just updated the packages). Do I need to dowmload and re-install the theme?

firefox tries to ‘blend in’ with the OS it’s on, on linux it uses tango/gtk, you can make it tango/qt, if you install gtk-qt-engine, and enable it

The end is near
Microsoft(R) Firefox | We’ve Made it Better :wink: