Firefox 3.6.15 - 4 migration

Hi all,

Have managed to get a spare hardrive, so have decided to install suse 11.4 on it and see how it works for my laptop. I am wondering how one moves over from the previous firefox to the new 4, without having to manually backup bookmarks, subscribed rss feeds, plugins/addons?

Cause from the way that i understand it from previous versions, it was simply just copy your profile from your home directory and then on the new system, just copy it back across, but i do not think that this works with firefox 4. So how does one go about doing this best?

Copying the Firefox profile should do the job, although extensions may not work correctly (as with any FF migration). With a second HD, you have the luxury of protecting your current profile in situ.

DISCLAIMER: After toying with Firefox 4 on several 11.4 installs (from MS2 through RC2 and PR), I retro-installed Firefox 3.6.15 (now .16) due to several extension-related problems (and the FF decision to abandon the status bar

Ok when I copied the profile across, and then launched firefox, it comes up with an information box saying that there is already a firefox running and to quit it and then try again, but looking at the running processes, it is not running, so this is probably something taken over from the previous version.

It’s called the Addon Bar and it’s the first thing I noticed in FF4 as “missing”.

I ran several versions of FF on the same installed Linux and never had an issue with addons.
I de-installed RCx and ran 3.6.1x from ~/Downloads and re-installed 4 (first RCx and then 4.0 from REPOs)… never an issue with any add-on.
All using the same ~/.mozilla directory.


Ok after some playing and poking around in firefox 4, have found that you can import bookmarks from a backup in the bookmarks manager (thought they had chucked it out, but is just called something different) and from there you can import a bookmarks backup from the old firefox profile and that in turn imports rss feeds. Re-installed addons to check compatibilty and they work fine, So i think i am ready to move.

Ok now here is a rather strange thing that seems to be happening in firefox 4, not sure if anyone can explain what is going on here. Don’t even know how to describe it, but tried to take snapshot of it but it did not come out so had to get the camera out and take a pic.

You copied over the profile at a time when firefox was running. So you copied over a setting that indicated that it was running.