Firefox 14b6 on Oensuse 11.4 XML Parsing Error

Hi Folks,

I’m currently trying out firefox 13.99-3.1 from the mozilla beta repos (11.4 64bit) and have run into this problem where FF will not start and falls over with the following error:

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
Line Number 2774, Column 7: <toolbarbutton id=“inspector-treepanel-toolbutton”

Tried running in firefox safemode but still same problem, downgrade to 13.0-1.1 resolves the issue.

Has anyone else hit this one or any ideas as to what is wrong ?


My idea is that when you try a beta, you should report back to the developers because they provide the beta to get that sort of feed back so they can repair before they release the real version. And that IMHO should also be the main reason to test a beta, to help the developers.

hcvv thank you for an unhelpful and condescending reply.

What I was trying to find out is if it is a known problem that someone else has seen or there may be an easy fix or it is a simple misconfiguration, if not I was going to submit a bug report to the appropriate place. As I have not a clue about the error message I was hoping that someone may have been able to shed some light on the issue i.e. it’s an upstream bug, best to submit a report to bugzilla.

Answers like these give the Linux community a bad name.

How about sorry mate I have no idea, try submitting a bug report.

Most people here do not use betas. And when they do, they discus things in the Pre-Release/Beta sub-forum. That is where you find your fellow early testers.

I’ll answer my own question, it is related to the language files.

Camp Firefox • Thema anzeigen - [FF64bit Nightly] nach Sicherheitsupdate kein Start -> Error

Am 11.06.2012 21:46, schrieb Dragon32:
> I’ll answer my own question, it is related to the language files.
> ‘Camp Firefox • Thema anzeigen - [FF64bit Nightly] nach
> Sicherheitsupdate kein Start -> Error’
> (

No, it’s not really.
It was a simple bug only affecting KDE users.

A fix has been committed and updated packages will be available when OBS
is ready.

And reporting it helped since you can see that it was fixed within 20
minutes. (not counting the time for the actual rebuilds)


Thank you Wrosenauer for the information.

I have no problem reporting bugs, I just like to be SURE it’s a bug rather than my own stupidity before I potentially waste someone’s valuable time.