file access in LibreOffice

I`m using LibreOffice to access some writer files created with LO 4.3. When accessing these files from Konqueror I get the error
message that LO 4.3 is not available and that I could use either 4.4 or 4.3. Using 4.4 then works fine.

How do I get rid of the Konqueror error message? Here is what I did so far:
. deinstall LO 4.3
. remove LO 4.3 from Apper administered software indexes.
. removing LO 4.3 from the file relationship index

**None of it did work.
Any LO or Konqueror expert out there?

Thanks for sugestions, BG

Konqueror should not care at all about the file.
It (or kdelibs rather) just launches the default application associated with that file type.

Can you please post the exact error message?
Preferably a screenshot.

Also, what Libreoffice packages do you have installed, from where?

rpm -qa |grep -i libreoffice

I have a similar problem; update fails because “” appears to have been depopulated; there is however a 4.4 and 4.5 repositories for libreOffice; is it just a matter of updating the software repository for libreOffice in Yast and re-installing?

How is this similar?

update fails because “” appears to have been depopulated;

Why would you even want that?
openSUSE 13.2 does include LibreOffice 4.3 anyway, the latest is available in the standard update repo.

there is however a 4.4 and 4.5 repositories for libreOffice; is it just a matter of updating the software repository for libreOffice in Yast and re-installing?

Yes, it’s probably best to do a “full repository vendor switch update” to the repo:

Or, if you are fine with, just remove the repo.

could I send you 2 jpg-files?

Upload them to or any other image sharing site, and post a link please.