February Forum Statistics

Sorry I’m late with these folks. No excuse…I’m just getting old. Thanks to everyone that helped in February :shake:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Tuesday, 01 Mar 2011 15:29:54 GMT
User stats from Tuesday, 01 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT
to Monday, 28 Feb 2011 23:59:59 GMT
Stats for Default
Full Name               Total Root  Reply MoAvg Thrd  RRepl NURep Grps
---------               ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
caf4926                 405   5     364   394   167   96    0     18  
stamostolias            361   1     355   385   159   97    0     25  
DenverD                 372   10    340   368   208   116   0     21  
oldcpu                  350   5     323   350   136   57    0     18  
robin listas            266   2     259   281   138   47    0     14  
jdmcdaniel3             262   5     218   236   132   79    0     17  
ah7013                  205   3     194   210   111   49    0     20  
consused                194   0     194   210   90    36    0     16  
malcolmlewis            182   5     173   187   93    43    0     20  
Pistazienfresser        168   8     144   156   94    29    0     24  
deano ferrari           146   1     144   156   67    23    0     10  
ken yap                 126   2     124   134   71    27    0     13  
glistwan                130   1     119   129   74    13    0     15  
hcvv                    118   0     118   128   66    22    0     14  
DaaX                    119   1     114   123   71    40    0     17  
gogalthorp              112   0     112   121   92    23    0     4   
Larry Finger            110   2     108   117   58    18    0     8   
Jim Henderson           104   0     104   113   46    26    0     13  
please try again        103   5     80    87    57    17    0     8   
tsu2                    101   4     78    84    55    16    0     4   
gropiuskalle            72    1     70    76    41    8     0     15  
Lazy Kent               85    4     69    75    31    15    0     5   
tararpharazon           63    1     62    67    34    12    0     7   
Lord Emsworth           57    0     57    62    33    12    0     11  
Alexander Naumov        72    7     47    51    32    11    0     7   
nrickert                47    0     47    51    33    26    0     10  
Dave Howorth            55    3     45    49    33    12    0     6   
phanisvara              40    0     40    43    31    7     0     12  
Will Honea              46    3     36    39    22    2     0     7   
chief sealth            48    4     35    38    31    7     0     7   
Romanator               46    3     34    37    32    19    0     4   
dvhenry                 41    1     34    37    22    5     0     6   
joneone                 46    7     33    36    28    10    0     5   
Edward Iii              36    1     33    36    25    13    0     8   
brunomcl                34    0     33    36    28    5     0     10  
lenwolf                 33    0     33    36    16    4     0     3   
PV                      30    1     29    31    15    7     0     6   
conram                  29    0     29    31    19    4     0     5   
swerdna                 29    0     29    31    18    1     0     11  
keellambert             32    1     28    30    12    1     0     6   
Minton                  28    0     28    30    13    2     0     4   
JoergJaeger             51    9     26    28    26    3     0     4   
dragonbite              36    4     26    28    25    2     0     11  
67GTA                   31    2     26    28    17    6     0     11  
SeanMc98                28    1     26    28    15    4     0     4   
ab                      26    0     26    28    19    12    0     5   
dietger                 24    0     24    26    12    6     0     4   
john hudson             24    0     24    26    21    8     0     6   
F Sauce                 32    2     23    25    17    5     0     6   
wrbbt                   40    4     21    23    20    10    0     8   
google01103             33    2     21    23    15    5     0     8   
CFN7                    25    2     21    23    21    2     0     7   
erikro                  21    1     20    22    15    7     0     4   
Knurpht                 20    2     18    19    18    1     0     10  
eng-int                 19    1     18    19    14    6     0     1   
Uwe Buckesfeld          18    0     18    19    14    11    0     9   
Vahis                   18    0     18    19    9     4     0     2   
Ski K2                  21    1     17    18    8     1     0     4   
malcolm81               17    0     17    18    10    2     0     3   
yasar11732              21    3     16    17    15    3     0     7   
vazhavandan             28    3     15    16    9     2     0     6   
Glasairmell             26    1     15    16    9     2     0     6   
upscope                 20    2     15    16    11    1     0     5   
EGDFree                 17    1     15    16    15    6     0     6   
Ansus                   46    1     14    15    9     2     0     7   
bsilvereagle            19    0     14    15    11    5     0     6   
Graham P Davis          17    1     14    15    10    2     0     4   
twelveeighty            16    1     14    15    10    3     0     4   
Fruchtratte             15    0     14    15    9     5     0     6   
techwiz03               14    0     14    15    7     3     0     4   
dth2                    28    7     13    14    19    2     0     4   
NonZ                    28    4     13    14    14    2     0     2   
ikky                    16    0     12    13    1     0     0     1   
imterpsfan2             27    3     11    12    11    0     0     4   
chucktr                 23    4     11    12    10    1     0     1   
fucodclown              13    1     11    12    9     1     0     6   
Cherkasoff              11    0     11    12    8     2     0     5   
reanxp-rus              11    0     11    12    2     2     0     2   
stakanov                22    2     10    11    9     2     0     5   
spoovy                  20    3     10    11    7     0     0     4   
xtree                   15    1     10    11    4     0     0     1   
vodoo                   14    2     10    11    11    2     0     7   
Gankov                  12    1     10    11    8     3     0     3   
Ghostintheruins         12    1     10    11    9     2     0     5   
k0da                    12    1     10    11    7     2     0     4   
neildarlow              12    1     10    11    10    4     0     7   
pilotgi                 12    1     10    11    11    1     0     1   
IcarianHeights          11    1     10    11    8     0     0     4   
Kevin Miller            10    0     10    11    7     2     0     1 

Stats by forum, in order of traffic (part 1):

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Tuesday, 01 Mar 2011 15:29:54 GMT
Forum stats from Tuesday, 01 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT
to Monday, 28 Feb 2011 23:59:59 GMT
Forum : opensuse.org.help.applications
   Total : 2018  Root : 253   Replies : 1194  Waiting : 26    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 26    Lines : 48787 Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 1d 14:02  Average reply time : 3d 5:06
   Top repliers :
    caf4926 [Default]  : 117 (9%)
    DenverD [Default]  : 115 (9%)
    robin listas [Default]  : 76 (6%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.install-boot-login
   Total : 1703  Root : 166   Replies : 1065  Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 3   NoReply : 3     Lines : 45074 Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 10:27  Average reply time : 1d 9:21
   Top repliers :
    robin listas [Default]  : 114 (10%)
    caf4926 [Default]  : 108 (10%)
    jdmcdaniel3 [Default]  : 72 (6%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.prerelease-beta
   Total : 949   Root : 96    Replies : 675   Waiting : 7     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 7     Lines : 23856 Lines/msg : 25   
 Average root reply time : 2:31  Average reply time : 1d 6:34
   Top repliers :
    oldcpu [Default]  : 72 (10%)
    consused [Default]  : 39 (5%)
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 35 (5%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.network-internet
   Total : 639   Root : 84    Replies : 369   Waiting : 6     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 6     Lines : 18326 Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 7d 1:41  Average reply time : 5d 15:32
   Top repliers :
    tsu2 [Default]  : 43 (11%)
    glistwan [Default]  : 43 (11%)
    ken yap [Default]  : 23 (6%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.hardware
   Total : 603   Root : 69    Replies : 368   Waiting : 9     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 9     Lines : 18618 Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 16:11  Average reply time : 3d 0:26
   Top repliers :
    oldcpu [Default]  : 52 (14%)
    deano ferrari [Default]  : 48 (13%)
    consused [Default]  : 25 (6%)

Forum : opensuse.org.no-support.general-chit-chat
   Total : 496   Root : 39    Replies : 393   Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 11473 Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 7d 3:16  Average reply time : 2d 9:58
   Top repliers :
    stamostolias [Default]  : 58 (14%)
    DenverD [Default]  : 40 (10%)
    Jim Henderson [Default]  : 28 (7%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.applications.multimedia
   Total : 423   Root : 42    Replies : 263   Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 0     Lines : 10625 Lines/msg : 25   
 Average root reply time : 11:33  Average reply time : 2d 6:41
   Top repliers :
    stamostolias [Default]  : 33 (12%)
    caf4926 [Default]  : 28 (10%)
    oldcpu [Default]  : 23 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.network-internet.wireless
   Total : 363   Root : 37    Replies : 195   Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 10271 Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 1:55  Average reply time : 22:49
   Top repliers :
    Larry Finger [Default]  : 61 (31%)
    caf4926 [Default]  : 30 (15%)
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 17 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.news.tech-news
   Total : 258   Root : 22    Replies : 193   Waiting : 10    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 10    Lines : 5990  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 10:45  Average reply time : 2d 2:42
   Top repliers :
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 12 (6%)
    consused [Default]  : 12 (6%)
    ah7013 [Default]  : 12 (6%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.programming-scripting
   Total : 220   Root : 20    Replies : 127   Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 9486  Lines/msg : 43   
 Average root reply time : 6:38  Average reply time : 20:06
   Top repliers :
    malcolmlewis [Default]  : 22 (17%)
    hcvv [Default]  : 15 (11%)
    malcolm81 [Default]  : 15 (11%)

Forum : opensuse.org.ru.general
   Total : 173   Root : 26    Replies : 87    Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 4     Lines : 7154  Lines/msg : 41   
 Average root reply time : 21:06  Average reply time : 17:38
   Top repliers :
    Lazy Kent [Default]  : 36 (41%)
    Minton [Default]  : 11 (12%)
    Alexander Naumov [Default]  : 10 (11%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.hardware.laptop
   Total : 169   Root : 17    Replies : 99    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 4510  Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 12d 4:08  Average reply time : 6d 14:46
   Top repliers :
    oldcpu [Default]  : 20 (20%)
    consused [Default]  : 13 (13%)
    DenverD [Default]  : 7 (7%)

Forum : opensuse.org.no-support.surveys-polls
   Total : 164   Root : 4     Replies : 149   Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 3127  Lines/msg : 19   
 Average reply time : 6d 18:30
   Top repliers :
    oldcpu [Default]  : 10 (6%)
    consused [Default]  : 8 (5%)
    nrickert [Default]  : 8 (5%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.looking-for
   Total : 138   Root : 10    Replies : 104   Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 1     Lines : 3740  Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 57m  Average reply time : 8d 21:45
   Top repliers :
    DenverD [Default]  : 12 (11%)
    techwiz03 [Default]  : 10 (9%)
    ken yap [Default]  : 9 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.applications.games
   Total : 127   Root : 14    Replies : 68    Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 3656  Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 11:11  Average reply time : 4d 16:55
   Top repliers :
    glistwan [Default]  : 13 (19%)
    stamostolias [Default]  : 10 (14%)
    Edward Iii [Default]  : 10 (14%)

Forum : opensuse.org.ru.community
   Total : 113   Root : 6     Replies : 60    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 2134  Lines/msg : 18   
 Average root reply time : 1d 19:42  Average reply time : 1d 12:40
   Top repliers :
    Alexander Naumov [Default]  : 11 (18%)
    joneone [Default]  : 8 (13%)
    Lazy Kent [Default]  : 7 (11%)

Forum : opensuse.org.feedback.forums.comments-suggestions
   Total : 106   Root : 10    Replies : 75    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 1     Lines : 2604  Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 1:50  Average reply time : 13:03
   Top repliers :
    Jim Henderson [Default]  : 20 (26%)
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 8 (10%)
    hcvv [Default]  : 7 (9%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.howto.submissions
   Total : 103   Root : 10    Replies : 71    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 3314  Lines/msg : 32   
 Average root reply time : 5:01  Average reply time : 8d 9:41
   Top repliers :
    stamostolias [Default]  : 10 (14%)
    caf4926 [Default]  : 6 (8%)
    Ansus [Default]  : 6 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.installation-administration
   Total : 97    Root : 19    Replies : 56    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 2730  Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 11:14  Average reply time : 2d 14:50
   Top repliers :
    dietger [Default]  : 13 (23%)
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 9 (16%)
    erikro [Default]  : 7 (12%)

Forum : opensuse.org.ru.hardware
   Total : 89    Root : 11    Replies : 60    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 2102  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 16:04  Average reply time : 22:29
   Top repliers :
    Alexander Naumov [Default]  : 13 (21%)
    joneone [Default]  : 9 (15%)
    low format [Default]  : 9 (15%)

Forum : opensuse.org.news.announcements
   Total : 81    Root : 5     Replies : 69    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1677  Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 3:36  Average reply time : 7:31
   Top repliers :
    consused [Default]  : 13 (18%)
    ah7013 [Default]  : 8 (11%)
    oldcpu [Default]  : 6 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.hardware
   Total : 77    Root : 7     Replies : 49    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 2723  Lines/msg : 35   
 Average root reply time : 2:12  Average reply time : 2d 20:43
   Top repliers :
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 10 (20%)
    dietger [Default]  : 8 (16%)
    stamostolias [Default]  : 7 (14%)

Forum : opensuse.org.no-support.soapbox
   Total : 75    Root : 4     Replies : 60    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 2268  Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 1:23  Average reply time : 5d 3:51
   Top repliers :
    oldcpu [Default]  : 5 (8%)
    glistwan [Default]  : 5 (8%)
    google01103 [Default]  : 5 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.hardware.64-bit
   Total : 61    Root : 8     Replies : 42    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1650  Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 9:30  Average reply time : 1d 12:09
   Top repliers :
    oldcpu [Default]  : 7 (16%)
    polarhki [Default]  : 7 (16%)
    jdmcdaniel3 [Default]  : 6 (14%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.netzwerk
   Total : 58    Root : 12    Replies : 27    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 2164  Lines/msg : 37   
 Average root reply time : 2d 5:28  Average reply time : 2d 1:02
   Top repliers :
    erikro [Default]  : 6 (22%)
    Feuerdrache [Default]  : 6 (22%)
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 4 (14%)

Forum : opensuse.org.ru.kde
   Total : 55    Root : 5     Replies : 29    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 1119  Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 4d 11:00  Average reply time : 1d 1:00
   Top repliers :
    Lazy Kent [Default]  : 16 (55%)
    Alexander Naumov [Default]  : 5 (17%)
    Cherkasoff [Default]  : 3 (10%)

Stats by forum - Part 2:

Forum : opensuse.org.ru.discussion-talks
   Total : 53    Root : 10    Replies : 36    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 868   Lines/msg : 16   
 Average root reply time : 3d 15:36  Average reply time : 1d 7:41
   Top repliers :
    joneone [Default]  : 7 (19%)
    Alexander Naumov [Default]  : 6 (16%)
    EGDFree [Default]  : 4 (11%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.anwendungen
   Total : 47    Root : 11    Replies : 26    Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 4     Lines : 1280  Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 4:47  Average reply time : 7d 21:12
   Top repliers :
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 10 (38%)
    tommfa [Default]  : 4 (15%)
    dietger [Default]  : 2 (7%)

Forum : opensuse.org.no-support.screenshots
   Total : 45    Root : 2     Replies : 38    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 858   Lines/msg : 19   
 Average root reply time : 1d 17:15  Average reply time : 1d 8:58
   Top repliers :
    malcolmlewis [Default]  : 7 (18%)
    stamostolias [Default]  : 6 (15%)
    Lord Emsworth [Default]  : 4 (10%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.programming-scripting.build-service
   Total : 40    Root : 10    Replies : 20    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 822   Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 15:07  Average reply time : 9d 7:39
   Top repliers :
    malcolmlewis [Default]  : 9 (45%)
    gropiuskalle [Default]  : 3 (15%)
    Ansus [Default]  : 2 (10%)

Forum : opensuse.org.help.suse-studio
   Total : 33    Root : 2     Replies : 17    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 1199  Lines/msg : 36   
 Average reply time : 8:33
   Top repliers :
    Jim Henderson [Default]  : 10 (58%)
    stamostolias [Default]  : 4 (23%)
    malcolmlewis [Default]  : 3 (17%)

Forum : opensuse.org.no-support.marketing
   Total : 29    Root : 2     Replies : 24    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 601   Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 1:00  Average reply time : 3d 3:35
   Top repliers :
    DenverD [Default]  : 3 (12%)
    consused [Default]  : 3 (12%)
    dragonbite [Default]  : 2 (8%)

Forum : opensuse.org.feedback.forums.support-information
   Total : 20    Root : 1     Replies : 19    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 321   Lines/msg : 16   
 Average root reply time : 1:30  Average reply time : 9:07
   Top repliers :
    hcvv [Default]  : 3 (15%)
    DenverD [Default]  : 3 (15%)
    67GTA [Default]  : 3 (15%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.community.ankuendigungen-neues
   Total : 18    Root : 1     Replies : 12    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 447   Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 5d 0:15  Average reply time : 3d 12:41
   Top repliers :
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 5 (41%)
    Eyn Marc [Default]  : 2 (16%)
    lostinspace [Default]  : 2 (16%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.desktop.kde
   Total : 17    Root : 2     Replies : 8     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 383   Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 1:45  Average reply time : 6:03
   Top repliers :
    Linuxsusefan [Default]  : 3 (37%)
    stamostolias [Default]  : 3 (37%)
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 1 (12%)

Forum : opensuse.org.wiki-discussions
   Total : 14    Root : 2     Replies : 6     Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 488   Lines/msg : 34   
 Average root reply time : 8d 0:24  Average reply time : 30d 8:35
   Top repliers :
    Rajko M. [Default]  : 3 (50%)
    DenverD [Default]  : 1 (16%)
    wrosenauer [Default]  : 1 (16%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.community.allgemeines-gequatsche
   Total : 12    Root : 2     Replies : 9     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 344   Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 1:24  Average reply time : 3d 17:57
   Top repliers :
    gropiuskalle [Default]  : 3 (33%)
    Uwe Buckesfeld [Default]  : 2 (22%)
    phanisvara [Default]  : 2 (22%)

Forum : opensuse.org.ru.gnome
   Total : 12    Root : 3     Replies : 4     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 234   Lines/msg : 19   
 Average root reply time : 3d 6:50  Average reply time : 2d 19:17
   Top repliers :
    k0da [Default]  : 3 (75%)
    EGDFree [Default]  : 1 (25%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.desktop.andere
   Total : 5     Root : 1     Replies : 4     Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 157   Lines/msg : 31   
 Average root reply time : 13d 5:30  Average reply time : 4d 18:00
   Top repliers :
    erikro [Default]  : 2 (50%)
    Fruchtratte [Default]  : 1 (25%)
    nativkombi [Default]  : 1 (25%)

Forum : opensuse.org.news.security-announcements
   Total : 5     Root : 5     Replies : 0     Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 80    Lines/msg : 16   

Forum : opensuse.org.de.community.lob-kritik
   Total : 3     Root : 1     Replies : 2     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 171   Lines/msg : 57   
 Average root reply time : 4:30  Average reply time : 16:00
   Top repliers :
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 1 (50%)
    tommfa [Default]  : 1 (50%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.netzwerk.wireless
   Total : 2     Root : 0     Replies : 1     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 51    Lines/msg : 25   

   Top repliers :
    Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 1 (100%)

Forum : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.desktop.gnome
   Total : 2     Root : 2     Replies : 0     Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 192   Lines/msg : 96   

Forum group : opensuse.org : 43 active forums
   Total : 9715  Root : 1053  Replies : 6173  Waiting : 100   Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 13   NoReply : 101   Lines : 257674 Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 1d 21:02  Average reply time : 2d 17:56

Forum group : opensuse.org.de : 11 active forums
   Total : 338   Root : 58    Replies : 194   Waiting : 14    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0    NoReply : 14    Lines : 10642 Lines/msg : 31   
 Average root reply time : 1d 5:52  Average reply time : 3d 6:40

Forum group : opensuse.org.de.community : 3 active forums
   Total : 33    Root : 4     Replies : 23    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0    NoReply : 0     Lines : 962   Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 2d 1:34  Average reply time : 3d 9:28

Forum group : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen : 8 active forums
   Total : 305   Root : 54    Replies : 171   Waiting : 14    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0    NoReply : 14    Lines : 9680  Lines/msg : 31   
 Average root reply time : 1d 3:21  Average reply time : 3d 6:17

Forum group : opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.desktop : 3 active forums
   Total : 24    Root : 5     Replies : 12    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0    NoReply : 3     Lines : 732   Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 4d 11:00  Average reply time : 1d 3:38

Forum group : opensuse.org.feedback.forums : 2 active forums
   Total : 126   Root : 11    Replies : 94    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1    NoReply : 1     Lines : 2925  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 1:48  Average reply time : 12:24

Forum group : opensuse.org.help : 15 active forums
   Total : 7589  Root : 838   Replies : 4677  Waiting : 61    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 10   NoReply : 61    Lines : 203934 Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 1d 17:18  Average reply time : 2d 18:43

Forum group : opensuse.org.help.applications : 2 active forums
   Total : 550   Root : 56    Replies : 331   Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1    NoReply : 2     Lines : 14281 Lines/msg : 25   
 Average root reply time : 11:28  Average reply time : 2d 19:52

Forum group : opensuse.org.help.hardware : 2 active forums
   Total : 230   Root : 25    Replies : 141   Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0    NoReply : 2     Lines : 6160  Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 10d 7:31  Average reply time : 5d 10:58

Forum group : opensuse.org.news : 3 active forums
   Total : 344   Root : 32    Replies : 262   Waiting : 13    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1    NoReply : 13    Lines : 7747  Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 8:51  Average reply time : 1d 15:58

Forum group : opensuse.org.no-support : 5 active forums
   Total : 809   Root : 51    Replies : 664   Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0    NoReply : 3     Lines : 18327 Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 5d 19:16  Average reply time : 3d 10:43

Forum group : opensuse.org.ru : 6 active forums
   Total : 495   Root : 61    Replies : 276   Waiting : 8     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1    NoReply : 8     Lines : 13611 Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 1d 22:32  Average reply time : 1d 2:38

Total for 43 active forums:
   Total : 9715  Root : 1053  Replies : 6173  Waiting : 100   Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 13   NoReply : 101  Remote : 9715  Lines : 257674  Lines/msg: 26   
 Average root reply time : 1d 21:02  Average reply time : 2d 17:56

Forums where questions/messages are replied to by mostly just one person:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Tuesday, 01 Mar 2011 15:29:54 GMT
Single person support stats from Tuesday, 01 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT
to Monday, 28 Feb 2011 23:59:59 GMT
opensuse.org.de.community.ankuendigungen-neues : Pistazienfresser [Default] (pistazienfresser@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 41%
opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.anwendungen : Pistazienfresser [Default] (pistazienfresser@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 38%
opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.desktop.andere : erikro [Default] (erikro@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 50%
opensuse.org.de.hilfe-helfen.netzwerk.wireless : Pistazienfresser [Default] (pistazienfresser@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 100%
opensuse.org.help.programming-scripting.build-service : malcolmlewis [Default] (malcolmlewis@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 45%
opensuse.org.help.suse-studio : Jim Henderson [Default] (hendersj@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 58%
opensuse.org.ru.general : Lazy Kent [Default] (Lazy_Kent@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 41%
opensuse.org.ru.gnome : k0da [Default] (k0da@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 75%
opensuse.org.ru.kde : Lazy Kent [Default] (Lazy_Kent@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 55%
opensuse.org.wiki-discussions : Rajko M. [Default] (rajko_m@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org) 50%

Thanks for this Kim :slight_smile:

Who isn’t getting older? As long as we are getting wiser from your growing statistics, better late than never (I know it’s an old cliche). Cheers for your effort. :slight_smile:

Other interesting stuff:
http://thumbnails41.imagebam.com/12288/23342c122878487.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/23342c122878487) http://thumbnails23.imagebam.com/12288/61e709122878491.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/61e709122878491) http://thumbnails34.imagebam.com/12288/2f54bc122878493.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/2f54bc122878493) http://thumbnails28.imagebam.com/12288/97363d122878495.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/97363d122878495)

And a bit more:

Thanks for all the info. The data images are all very very
interesting :slight_smile:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64) Kernel
up 0:45, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.06
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - Driver Version: 260.19.26

Nice work with the results Kim. The March activity is bound to be intense with the 11.4 release!

Thank you again -
It will indeed be interesting to see what March brings.
It all starts today …

Thank you again Mr Kgroneman.

On 03/09/2011 11:06 PM, kgroneman wrote:
> Other interesting stuff:

interesting…if you have time (and don’t take too much) can you
explain what the “bounce rate” is on several of those…please.

CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
[NNTP posted w/openSUSE 11.3, KDE4.5.5, Thunderbird3.0.11, nVidia
173.14.28 3D, Athlon 64 3000+]
“It is far easier to read, understand and follow the instructions than
to undo the problems caused by not.” DD 23 Jan 11