So the company where I work we use Shrewsofts VPN Access Manager if we want to work from home. It works on windows. I’ve exported the access data, imported on the Linux version but I get the error failed to attach to key daemon. I’ve got this on other distros as well.
I’ve only found this, but I really don’t know how to implement this on opensuse tumbleweed, if it can be.
so it looks like you installed the flatpak version of the interface manager. There is a note on the page
Warning: Just a frontend for managing connections. You must run iked daemon on the background before using
I don’t see a package for ike in zypper. I think you will have to download the source and compile the package following the instructions provided in the readme file, this is all provided on their website. Once you’ve compiled the code, it’ll need to be deployed to a bin directory (assuming it doesn’t have a make install command, if it does you can probably skip this step) and then you’ll need to setup the systemd service as described above.
I just found a package in the OBS that might work, it’s called openiked. The easiest way to install it is using the opi command (zypper install opi), and then opi openiked chosing option 1. Finally chosing option 1 again. it already has a service setup, so I would try that.
I’ve installed it, but still get back this:
nagy@localhost:~> sudo systemctl start iked
[sudo] root jelszava:
Failed to start iked.service: Unit iked.service not found.
nagy@localhost:~> sudo systemctl start openiked
[sudo] root jelszava:
Job for openiked.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status openiked.service” and “journalctl -xeu openiked.service” for details.
I fired this up in distrobox, you are most likely missing a configuration file that needs edited, along with your set of keys. I also had to add the user _iked to get the binary to run.
run the command sudo systemctl status openiked to see why the service failed
run the command man iked.conf to figure out how to setup the configuration file
i’m sorry but that’s about as far as I can get you.
If you still haven’t figured things out, did you ever try connecting to your vpn using the strongswan client?