Eyup! New user with an embarrasing problem :(

Hi everyone!

I am brand new to both Suse and Linux in general, so bear with me!

I picked Suse becuase after doing some research, it has a great reputation and seems to have quite a following! I have been using W2k and XP for a decade (and more recently MacOS, but enough about that :shame:), and before that, AmigaOS in various guises for another 10 years. Meaning, I have an idea about a command prompt, but haven’t used it for a long time.

I was pleasantly surprised about how easy Suse was to install, and on first log in, absolutely everything worked on an old OEM Dell system, printer, webcam, internet… except… Flash!

I am using Firefox 3.5. Going onto the BBC wesite or Youtube, it says that I either have java diasbled (it is definitely enabled) or not the correct flash polayer installed, and click “here” to go to the Adobe sebsite to download Flash. I do that, but when installing it, I get a message saying that it has enountered a (possibly temporary) problem and it cannot be installed. Clicking on “more details” give me the following:

Specified path ‘/var/tmp/TmpDir.P0zRUG’ is not allowed as media source: dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.P0zRUG

Any ideas?

Typing rpm -qa | grep flash into a terminal gives me:


I am not so naive that I think I can get away without ever using a command prompt in linux (or am I, these days?), but I need to have flash working so I can do my day to day thing right now, and learn linux properly over the next days/weeks/months/years in my own time.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

unfortunately what you don’t realize is that the entire earth is
spring loaded to help Win & Mac folks get on their band wagon…and,
very very few sites are actually able to help all the various Linux
distros get things installed correct…

therefore, you need to try to get out of the habit of tripping off to
(say adobe.com) to get whatever program it is that your looking for
(like, flash)…instead, become familiar with the openSUSE concept
(which varies from Debian and some other Linux distros) here:

pay close attention to the package management section and always
make your first attempt at adding any new software by using YaST (GUI)
or Zypper (CLI- command line interface) and the official openSUSE
repos (a repository of packages specially built to be perfect for your
openSUSE system)…

in addition to the above cite i suggest you read about repos…and,
to fix your flash i suggest you follow the advice here (yes, i know it
does not follow my just previous “always” advice, but this works):



and, to fix your flash i suggest you follow the advice here (yes, i know it does not follow my just previous “always” advice, but this works): …]

So why should he follow it then? That is confusing… Flashplayer should be installed just as any other package for Linux, via the package manager. It works here…

gropiuskalle wrote:
> So why should he follow it then? That is confusing… Flashplayer
> should be installed just as any other package for Linux, via the package
> manager. It works here…

you are right…and i do so wish he had installed his that way,
however, he did not…and, i do not know exactly how he installed nor
do i have a clue what was going on during that time he recalled as “I
get a message saying that it has enountered a (possibly temporary)
problem and it cannot be installed.”

and i’m kinda confident the prescription i gave will most likely
give him a working flash despite all the damage his aborted install
attempt left on his system (and, by the way, i have zero idea how to
help him back out of that failed install!)…

on the other hand, if my prescription does not work i can be pretty
sure he will come back…and, then maybe we have a lot of work to try
to undo…


Okay, I missed that point a bit when I posted my first comment, yet this should be solved easily without the need to assume things. I assume (though) that no Flashplayer has been installed since the installer said so, one could check that by using find / locate on console (or KFind if one needs a GUI - just hit Alt + F2 and then type 'kfind’¹) to search for any file having the word “flash” in its filename.

¹Note that KFind is working with wildcards, meaning the actual searchstring should be ‘flash’.

So, if I was assuming correctly and no flash-stuff is installed, installing it via the repository is very easy - just update your system (actually the first thing to do after the initial install), because as you have mentioned:

Typing rpm -qa | grep flash into a terminal gives me:


…which is no Flashplayer, but a metapackage which will…

hoppers:~ # zypper if pullin-flash-player
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Information for package pullin-flash-player:

Repository: @System
Name: pullin-flash-player
Summary: Placeholder for Adobe Flash PlugIn
The installation of this package triggers online update of

…automatically install the Flashplayer.

a normal, routine install via the repo may work for him…don’t
know…he can try it that way (use YaST)…
