Extracting sound to mp3 from flv

I have some radio broadcasts which have been downloaded in flv format.
I confidently ran the command
ffmpeg -i inputfile.flv -acodec copy -f mp3 -y outfile.mp3
and duly made mp3 files but they will not play.
Please could somebody put me right here.

What test are you using to confirm the mp3 is not good ?

I on occasion have used something like this ffmpeg command:

ffmpeg -i inputfile.flv -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ab 128k outfile.mp3


.. where

-vn                disable video
-acodec libmp3lame convert audio to mp3 using the lame codec
-ab 128k           set the audio bitrate to 128k

In addition to ffmpeg I have packman packager packaged lame and libmp3lame0 installed, but I do not know if they are needed.

Don’t test with 'aplay … ’ but use another command to test.

If you have mplayer you can open a konsole window, cd to the directory with the file and use the command:-

mplayer -dumpaudio song.flv -dumpfile song.mp3

@@@ with ‘song’ being the file name @@@

Thanks for both replies. After posting my question I found another thread referring to “audiokreator.” Couldn’t find this but already had Kaudiocreator installed which I had for ripping a difficult CD. Worked like magic with file conversion.
Thanks again.

On 2012-01-17 21:06, Budgie2 wrote:
> ffmpeg -i inputfile.flv -acodec copy -f mp3 -y outfile.mp3

If I’m not mistaken, the copy codec will simply copy the same bits, so your
mp3 file will be in fact an flv file.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:58:06 +0000, Carlos E. R. wrote:

> On 2012-01-17 21:06, Budgie2 wrote:
>> ffmpeg -i inputfile.flv -acodec copy -f mp3 -y outfile.mp3
> If I’m not mistaken, the copy codec will simply copy the same bits, so
> your mp3 file will be in fact an flv file.

Yes, that’s what I was thinking as well - I’ll bet “file” would show it
was an FLV file (or just data) rather than an MP3.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 22:26:55 +0000, dth2 wrote:

> If you have mplayer you can open a konsole window, cd to the directory
> with the file and use the command:-
> mplayer -dumpaudio song.flv -dumpfile song.mp3

That would dump it as a raw WAV file IIRC, mplayer doesn’t do mp3
encoding to the best of my knowledge.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C


Well so much for my suggestion! I wanted to check your comments about mplayer and mp3 - so I downloaded a flv file from youtube and ran the mplayer command to dumpaudio and it wouldn’t even produce a working mp3 file. That was the command that I used to use - in fairness a good few years ago - on my old eee to rip the music from youtube videos. I hadn’t tried the command for many years as we are so spoiled these days with easy to use audio converter programmes.