Extra large update today. Significance?

(Note; I run sudo zypper dup every day, 7 days a week.)

I ran zypper dup this morning and got 1.8GB of updates. Wow. That’s by far the largest update I’ve seen in my 3 months of using Tumbleweed.

Any particular significance to such a large update?

Yes, for TW the compromise (and mitigation) from CVE-2024-3094 triggered a full rebuild of all packages. The affected library is used by many packages, and out of an abundance of caution, all packages were rebuilt.


Now that’s what I like to hear from my distro maintainers. Thanks to the TW devs for all their hard work to keep us secure. Gassho. :pray:


BTW, if you’re doing a dup every day, 7 days a week - you should be following the factory mailing list, because it’ll help you understand what’s in the update before you apply it. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the suggestion, but unforunately I don’t have the time to follow, digest and understand the items on the list.

In addition to the automatic snapshots, I do manual snapshots before and after each update. So if an update craps my system, I can just rollback. So no real need for me to know details about the updates.

Then why do you waste time of everyone else by posting questions about something you do not care about and do not need to know?

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Good question. Thanks. The reason was because it was much much larger than any other update I had seen, so I was naturally curious. Now that I know, I’ll likely never ask another question about an update (unless something really unusual happens).

From openSUSE Factory:

This discussion is concise and easy to understand and digest, in my opinion of course.

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It’s not that big an issue that you ask, really. Just suggesting that the info is out there (in fact, we pull an RSS feed of the Tumbleweed releases into the News and Announcements category here, so you can actually see the links to the relevant messages should you be curious about something like this in the future).

We do pull some of the messages from Factory (the announcements) into the News & Announcements section as well. The “Tumbleweed - Review of the week yyyy/mm” posts might be something you find interesting in this regard.

This week’s is at Tumbleweed - Review of the week 2024/13 - and links to the mailing list entry that includes a note about the large update. :slight_smile:

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