Hi there everyone.
I was using Wayland successfully on Tumbleweed with Plasma Wayland session. I don’t know why, but starting today the external monitor is working on X11 only and not on Wayland.
While on Wayland, I can solve with:
~> su
localhost:/home/salvi # modprobe -r nvidia_drm ; modprobe nvidia_drm modeset=1
Since I must use systemd-boot in order to boot my system (GRUB won’t work), I’ve edited the /etc/kernel/cmdline as follows:
splash=silent quiet security=apparmor nvidia_drm nvidia_drm.modeset=1 mitigations=auto
(Basically, I’ve only added the nvidia lines, and I’ve already tried to remove the first nvidia option and change the second one in nvidia-drm.modeset=1)
Also YaST Boot Loader confirms that these lines are edited correctly.
I’ve also run sudo dracut -f just to be sure. Unfortunately, nothing is working.
Any ideas?