Experience with 42.2 Alpha1

Yesterday, I downloaded and installed the iso for 42.2 alpha1.

The install went quite smoothly. This was on a UEFI box with Intel graphics and secure-boot enabled.

According to the announcement this is a very preliminary release, so it is still early times for testing.

The installed system seems to run okay. However, on logout or shutdown or reboot from KDE Plasma, I seem to be seeing a plasma shell crash during the logout.

I also booted the installer on an older box with Legacy booting and Nvidia graphics. That seemed to boot up fine. I aborted at the partitioner part of install. It was not my plan to actually install on that box, where I anticipate that I would have problems with the nouveau driver.

Hi Neil, I gave a quick look but the only difference to 42.1 I spotted was the 4.4 kernel at this stage.
Maybe a few QT and KDE updates, but I’m mainly a Gnome user…
Did I miss something worth a download and install?

That’s probably correct. The announcement mentioned QT, but did not mention Gnome.

I assume that Ludwig was hoping for a few test installs, but wasn’t expecting to learn much from this early release. It is probably more about him getting things organized for future changes.

So, no, you probably haven’t missed anything important at this stage.

I just installed 42.2 alpha and also see the plasma crash on both logout and reboot, both logout and reboot still function though.


I think Beta1 is due out at the end of August. Hopefully, that will solve the plasma crash issue.

Began testing the Leap 42.2 Alpha 3 in an Oracle VirtualBox VM on my Leap 42.1 AMD Dual-Graphics Laptop yesterday.
Used the NET install – the .iso takes up only 92,6 MiB – fits on a 700 MB R/W CD.
Have only submitted one Bug-Report to date – a German Language issue in the text of the installation procedure.
Need to check the “Dolphin T-bit” issue (can read but not set . . . ).
Haven’t had any Leap 42.2 KDE Plasma 5 crashes yet – the Leap 42.1 KDE Plasma 5 crashes occasionally – I currently have 2 Crash Reports submitted to KDE folks.
Might buy a new AMD Laptop for a “complete install” if the household budget allows.

Actually it even gets cleared if it is set…

No need to check though, this isn’t fixed yet.
And it’s not a bug in Dolphin, but in KIO (which provides the file properties dialog, also used in the folderview applet and the file open/save dialog).

Haven’t had any Leap 42.2 KDE Plasma 5 crashes yet – the Leap 42.1 KDE Plasma 5 crashes occasionally – I currently have 2 Crash Reports submitted to KDE folks.

Meanwhile 42.2 has Plasma 5.7 (and Qt 5.6).