Ethernet printer often unavailable

Hello ;=)

I’m using a Lexmark printer trough ethernet network (Lexmark platinum pro 905) .
The printer keeps being desactivated and it stops printing. I’m reactivating it from Yast but no print comes out and i have a message saying printer can’t be reached.
I installed it using lexmark driver from their site. (
Before i was using earlier drivers from the same source but the problem was the same ( and ).

Can you help me to get why this problem is ?

Thanks :wink:

Not sure if installing proprietary drivers makes any difference but normally Linux printers are controlled from CUPs at
If you are asked for a password, use root for anything to do with printers.

Though I have not had the problem you describe, I find that, if there is a problem, CUPS automatically suspends transmission and all you have to do is go into CUPS and restart the printer - it will then finish the job.

YAST has nothing to do with this process.

why not , but yast allows to do a lot though : add, modify, test printing, restart … then which one is “best” ?

On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 18:56:02 +0000, manchette fr wrote:

> why not , but yast allows to do a lot though : add, modify, test
> printing, restart … then which one is “best” ?

Can you ping the printer’s IP address and get a response?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

yes, it works :

ping ip

i have this as a result :
16 packets transmitted, 16 received, 0% packet loss, time 15002ms

As understand it, the problem is going on and off. That means that we are inetersted in the ping when it stos printing. Not when it is functioning (then you can of course ping successfull). So I hope the above test was done during the not functioning.

yes it was

For management of <all> printers, I recommend installing the HP Device Manager (Printing).
Run the following commands if it’s not already installed (likely only if you’ve connected to an HP device already)

# zypper refresh 
$ zypper install hplip

After that, you should not oly have a new CUPs tab with new options, you can also open the Toolbox directly

Launch Button > System > Monitoring > hp-toolbox

From there you can do various things like
Check for realtime connectivity (eg off/on intermittent)
Observe printing queue
Manage printer options (limited to whatever device you’re connected)


What does HP Device Manager has to do with a Lexmark printer ?

Best regards,

i was wondering about it too, but maybe it works (?)

ok, lpc status all gives me a name :
/usr/sbin/lpc status all
l’imprimante correspond au périphérique « lxhcp », débit -1
la mise en file d’attente est activée
l’impression est désactivée
5 entrées
daemon présent

then i can’ t enable cups :

/usr/sbin/cupsenable Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series:
cupsenable : l’opération a échoué : client-error-not-found

fabrice@linux-l4t8:~> /usr/sbin/cupsenable Lexmark_Pro800Pro900_Series
cupsenable : l’opération a échoué :** client-error-forbidden**

Dear machette-fr,

While I can not give advise on your problem (sorry for that), I still am reading this thread because I once asked for a clarification above. Can you please make your next posts more understandable by putting the computer texts between CODE tags (as the others do): Posting in Code Tags - A Guide ?

i would more easily if quick reply was made easier with code tags, instead i’m adding quote tags and changing them which is not as comfy

I agree that it would be more easy, but the software used isn’t doing it. That is the reason we made that Howto.

I often just type them manualy, or I click Advanced (may be Editeur avancé in your case :wink: ) and use the # button in the tool bar.

On Sat July 23 2011 01:36 pm, manchette fr wrote:

> Hello ;=)
> I’m using a Lexmark printer trough ethernet network (Lexmark platinum
> pro 905) .
> The printer keeps being desactivated and it stops printing. I’m
> reactivating it from Yast but no print comes out and i have a message
> saying printer can’t be reached.
> I installed it using lexmark driver from their site.
> (
> Before i was using earlier drivers from the same source but the problem
> was the same ( and
> ).
> Can you help me to get why this problem is ?
> Thanks :wink:
manchette fr;

In another thread,, you
indicate a periodic slowness with your PC. Is this the same PC with the
printer problem? If so, does speed of the PC relate to the problem with the
printer? Could this just be a symptom of a more major miss configuration or
failure of the PC? Have you asked in the tumbleweed forum?

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

yes it’s the same pc but i don’t think the two problems are linked. The pc seems healthy apart from these 2 questions : tumbleweed install is new and with basic repos, and i hope the pc is slow because of nouveau.

Do you know by any chance why i can’t enable cups from console ? (not found and forbidden errors )

On Mon July 25 2011 03:46 pm, manchette fr wrote:

> Hello,
> yes it’s the same pc but i don’t think the two problems are linked. The
> pc seems healthy apart from these 2 questions : tumbleweed install is
> new and with basic repos, and i hope the pc is slow because of nouveau.
> Do you know by any chance why i can’t enable cups from console ? (not
> found and forbidden errors )
manchette fr;

To enable cups from the console you can use:

su -
rccups start
rccups restart
<maybe these would also help at times>
rccups status
rccups stop

For a list of all options See:

rccups -h

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

On Mon July 25 2011 05:22 pm, PV wrote:

> On Mon July 25 2011 03:46 pm, manchette fr wrote:
>> Hello,
>> yes it’s the same pc but i don’t think the two problems are linked. The
>> pc seems healthy apart from these 2 questions : tumbleweed install is
>> new and with basic repos, and i hope the pc is slow because of nouveau.
>> Do you know by any chance why i can’t enable cups from console ? (not
>> found and forbidden errors )
> manchette fr;
> To enable cups from the console you can use:

Added: Did the printing problem exist before your update to tumbleweed?

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

I notice only now that you are using Tumbleweed. Are you not aware of the fact we have a special subforum for Tmbleweed. That is where this should have gone!

yes i had the problem before also. Did not know that all my threads should go to the subforum when i’m using tumbleweed (…)

We hope that that is obvious (which it apperently isn’t), but we hope to gather there people who use T and thus can share their experience and try to replay what people did and much more of those things that are favourable in getting people who now about the same things in contact which each other…

I, for mysaelf, would not even dare to answer in a thread where it is obvious that it is about Tumbleweed for the simple reason I am not using it.