Error returning browse list: NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED >

A bit stuck with this one. see below. It is an older machine i am working with… and sincce Linux doesn’t care about what you install it on and be fast no matter what… i decided to put onto an old p3 (early 800 mhz)… been a great system too…

Anyway i ran across this when it never happened before during years of use. This recently started when i rebuilt this linux boxes… and had some old hardware to put linux on… The kicker is the shares are intact and able to be accessed between linux to 7 and vista. (one old box) and i never had issues until 7 came into the scene. This is a webserver, perl box, and a samba shaare machine, also a voice over ip… with a online mud as a kicker. and a compiler/image compiler for rendering my wife’s artwork.

Mount-t smbfs //hostname/share /target works like a charm and perfectly. I just cannot browse and see the shares for it. (including cups printer)
THAT is the error i get, Error returning browse list: NT Status Not Supported when i do the smbclient -L hostname for win 7.

VISTA it is fine. no issues. Printer resides on a win 7 box tho and the vista can see the share for 7 and print to it though.

The secondary box, has samba and can see the box and not the shares. But i am able to mount each one…

Is there something i am missing for browsing?

Needs both puters to see printer, even through they can be mounted with all shares.

Should i put smbclient for windows on the boxes directly? would that help get and work around this problem?

N.A. Miller
KLM (wifes dba name for her art)

> I get this from my root logon
> Code:
> --------------------
> homeserver:~ # smbclient -L peter-pc
> Enter root’s password:
> Domain=[PETER-PC] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1]
> Sharename Type Comment
> --------- ---- -------
> Error returning browse list: NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED
> Domain=[PETER-PC] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1]
> Server Comment
> --------- -------
> Workgroup Master
> --------- -------
> --------------------
> when logged on with my normal user id I get this
> Code:
> --------------------
> peter@homeserver:~> smbclient -L peter-pc
> Enter peter’s password:
> Domain=[PETER-PC] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1]
> Sharename Type Comment
> --------- ---- -------
> C Disk
> Canon MP610 series Printer Printer Canon MP610 series Printer
> D Disk
> Downloads Disk
> IPC$ IPC Remote IPC
> Music Disk
> My Documents Disk
> Pictures Disk
> print$ Disk Printer Drivers
> T Disk
> Users Disk
> Vidoes Disk
> Domain=[PETER-PC] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1]
> Server Comment
> --------- -------
> Workgroup Master
> --------- -------
> --------------------

You aperently choose for OTHER VERSION when you created this thread. I assume you did so because the openSUSE version you use is not in the list. You could have understood that we like to know what version the problem/question is about. And thus that when you use another version then those in the list, it will be nevertheless important to mention it at the beginning of your problem description.

I can not find it anywhere in your story. So please explain that.

And, as you are rather new her and thus may not know:
Please use CODE tags around copied/pasted computer text in a post. It is the # button in the tool bar of the post editor. When applicable copy/paste complete, that is including the prompt, the command, the output and the next prompt.

i know this is gonna make everyone laugh but its not open suse, well its suse but 4 versions and 10 martines ago…

Suse 8.0 professional, operating on a i686 Dell optiplex P3 800 mhz. Setup mostly for a website for wife and her work as an artist and a family page. She creates digital art and sells it, also paints etc. This box serves as a main webpage. It also serves as a process rendering machine for her art and a perl machine/compiler and a mud for me. (it partially is a lerning machine for me to enhance my ability using linux in addition to my solaris, hp-ux, SGI, and Bell UNIX training.)

As for the machines themselves: They never had an issue when they were first was setup. Neither for samba and the sharing that i just described, until 7 came into the world and play here. (Even after upgraded to the 800 mhz machine from the original 200 mhz dual processor, it still had no issues.)

I can still manually mount the shares and everything works. The samba version i had on 8.0 was upgraded to 2.12.72 from 2.08 a while ago, as it was on the secondary box from 2.06… Both probably needs to be upgraded again to version 3-X… I am not sure if that would help though. All i cannot do is browse the shares for the printers and disks for windows 7 and 8. I was wondering if there is a work around here, and if this issue was solved.

I wouldn’t have asked if i didn’t know.

Should i put the client on the windows machine from samba (the actual client) and ignore the windows setup completely… ? a thought that came to mind. Windows seems to be errant and its not my linux that the issue. It might be built in to windows, the samba client but maybe it might take the actual client to straighten it out. In fact my VISTA laptop sees all the unix shares and can access it just fine. Its just 7 and 8 being the pain in the ass right now.

My thanks for any advice and information passed for this issue.

FA Nathaniel Miller, USN Ret.

There is nothing to laugh here. But as long as you do not tell this, you will never get an answer that will be fit for it. And you will spoil people’s time and energy in trying to help you with help for the wrong version.

This is a technical help forum. Try to provide the technical information to achieve that potential helpers can help you.

On 2015-09-01 13:16, Nathaniel 741 wrote:

> Suse 8.0 professional, operating on a i686 Dell optiplex P3 800 mhz.

> I can still manually mount the shares and everything works. The samba
> version i had on 8.0 was upgraded to 2.12.72 from 2.08 a while ago, as

> All i cannot do is browse the shares for the printers and disks for
> windows 7 and 8. I was wondering if there is a work around here, and if
> this issue was solved.

I still don’t quite understand.

This machine is serving a share, and in another Windows 7 machine you
can not import that share, or

In this machine you can not import a share from another Windows 7 machine?

IMO, as Windows 7 is quite more recent than SuSE Linux 8.0 (made on
2002), it is not surprised that somethings are not supported. The first
thing I would do is upgrade that machine to openSUSE 13.1 ASAP.

If that is not feasible, then I would try to upgrade the entire SAMBA
stack to the most recent stable release.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

The server is not able to browse shares for cups printers and for windows shares, even though i can mount them manually.

i am not meaning to be difficult. This is a first error for me on this. …

Ido a root or reg acount i get the smbclient -L Hostname

the error returning browse lost: NT STATUS NOT SUPPORTED.

Yet I can mount -t smbfs //hostname/share /target and access it perfectly on vista. and intermittently on 7…

I upgraded samba to 2.12.72 from the box level samba… according to the pick of the os (2.12.72) was the highest it would do automatically.

I still got the error. the box version for saba in suse 8 was 2.08.25 and redhat 6.22 (2.06.02) I use the redhat for a generic ftp server which has worked for years and years and inly thing that changed that it was moved to a dell xps T550 (my old 98SE/XP machine that really cannot run 7 anyway.) I am downloading 4.23 and hopefully you are correct, it is what i need.

My thanks for you speedy advice and response folks.


Update, ok i have Samba 3.6.17 on suse 8/0 and i now can see the share on 7 just fine. Now it is a question of the right combinations to getting it hooked up again and setup properly. The other box has to yet be updated of course, but for now its just an FTP box/VOIP/MUD Sever/Backup Apache Server site, so it might not need the share to printer. i still need to still access the shares in windows though and visa versa… (Especially for FTP)

VISTA and other boxes came up fine, even with an additional printer to supplement and test the samba access out.

It is intermittent access to 7 even with password, so from here any advice? Where i need to start digging to get this thing to have 100% access and not be so intermittent.

Note: we are DHCP… and it doesn’t help much other than show access ad gather names/ip from router… personally i’d settle for static if i didn’t have to pay 100 dollars extra a month for business service from ISP than what i pay now… its robbery. Static would solve alot of the problems. )


On 2015-09-03 03:36, Nathaniel 741 wrote:

> Note: we are DHCP… and it doesn’t help much other than show access ad
> gather names/ip from router… personally i’d settle for static if i
> didn’t have to pay 100 dollars extra a month for business service from
> ISP than what i pay now… its robbery. Static would solve alot of the
> problems. )
> N.A.M.

The internal addresses in your local network are your business, not that
of the ISP. You get, typically, one dynamic, outside facing, internet
address, and then you create your static or dynamic internal addresses
any way you wish, using NAT. And not pay a cent, unless you ask them to
come to your house and do it for you… Or you could pay anybody
instead, cheaper.

If you are doing SAMBA on ISP Internet address, you are doing it wrong
and dangerously.

Unless you have IPv6, and that’s a totally different game.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))